8 dilemmas to start with ๐Ÿ™‚

1: yes on both frequencies, yes can be cloned. It would give you a good chance that it would cover a particular access point. But remember there are tons of systems out there with different requirements, and only one card each can be cloned.

2: I believe so. But wait for confirmation from someone else.

3: no idea. My Galaxy S7 will emulate an NFC card, but the UID is random on each read. Other phones have fixed UIDs.

4: Typically the animal tag has anti-migration coating that would make tag removal in a human very difficult. Aside from that, when you buy from china you have no idea what their quality control is.

5: Iโ€™ll let someone else answer this

6: The only modes I know of are for the xEMโ€ฆ See the first paragraph: Quirks of the T5577 & cloning tags to the xEM The chip can be put in different modes to be compatible with different card types.

7: yes.

8: not sure what you are askingโ€ฆ every tag currently offered by DT can only have one UID.

9: Where did you see there is a 2mm xM1? The xM1+ is 3mm. There is no 2mm option. The image is shown for comparison.