A Site Newcomer

So the reason we asked is for this, is to get information like this

So we can suggest an implant such as this

We would then normally tell somebody, that this specific implant cant change the UID, therefore it would need to be enrolled into the system by an administrator…sometimes this requires some social engineering skills

Totally, we would suggest you hide / mask /remove that any way before posting

DK is Door King,Prox is proximity card.

I am assuming that means you scanned with TagInfo and had no luck.
Probably LF 125kHz

Then we would be pointing you toward an xEM , NExT, FlexEM, FlexMT, FlexMN etc.

The more info you share ( what you want to do, the more we can narrow down your options )

If somebody asked my what implant should I get, and they had no specific use for one ( Yet! ) I personally would always suggest a NExT.

The magnets you have 1 or 2 options
The currently available xG3
The second option isn’t available at the moment, but within a couple of months there is planned to be another crowd funded purchase of the Titan
xG3 think lifting vs. Titan sensing ( however both will do the other but I’ll let you do the research )

The LED’s, you have quite a few options ( FYI We affectionately call them “blinkies” )
Starting at the most basic you have the
xLED - they come in two colour options ( white and red ) and 2 frequencies LF ( white only) and HF.
These are “dumb” implants. Just an LED that lights up with no data chips

xSIID , All HF , Green , Blue , Red, White, there used to be amber, Amal may have some on his shelf if you ask nicely :man_shrugging:
These are HF 13.56MHz ISO14443A and 2kB of memory ( 1 kB is a little harder to use, but if you go down this path we can help you out )

Flex and Custom Blinkies, Pretty much most of the Flexies come with a blinkie option, If they don’t you MAY be able to get a custom piece, the colours on these an many and varied and in and out of stock, because everybody love the blinkies


so you just need to ask what is available at the time, and may just have to wait a little longer if it is out of stock
The best approach for this would be through the Custom Flex Work

So you have a bunch of options, the only tricky thing is the ISO15693,as you currently have only one option.
Again, why we ask these questions is.
If that was a ISO14333A , which is far more common, we would have suggested something like a FlexMT or FlexMN with blinkie options
So you would have HF+LF +Blinkie all in one implant…