Alternative mifare classic 1K badge reader

We use mifare classic 1K badge readers at work. Since the “XM1 magic 1k” hasn’t been available for a while, and my hands are really small to consider the “flex M1”, I thought to myself “why not change the player we have ?”. My question is therefore : Do you know a dual technology reader that will continue to read the mifare classic badges of all my colleagues and that could open the doors with an “XSIID NFC + led implant” for me ?
Thank you

You would really need to have unnaturally tiny hands to not be able to fit a flex


Check out the following for some options

Also, the xSIID is a good option, and there may be a possibility that an xSIID could be enrolled into your current system, but I would suggest you get yourself a test card to check compatibility first, something like this

I’m assuming you have gone for the xSIID due to the form factor and the blinky :blinky_green:

A NExT or xNT could be another consideration for you, but again get yourself a test card (NTAG216) to test it first.