I’m planning to implant the Apex Flex soon and have been reading about different placement options. I wanted to do a quick sanity check before proceeding. I’ll primarily be using it with a Tesla Cybertruck, and from what I understand, reauthentication happens in the center console between the seats. Since I’m right-hand dominant and practice Muay Thai, would it make sense to implant it on the back of my right wrist or forearm for optimal use?
Thanks for the reply. Do you use it with a Tesla vehicle?
Tesla cars used to require this but after a software update many years ago, as long as you tap the column outside the car and then get in and press the brake pedal within 30 seconds, no secondary authentication is necessary.
I’m normally not one to advertise this too heavily (because it makes me feel icky) but the DT Club has a particularly interesting offer for members that you might be interested in.
Don’t. I love the DT club.
Thanks for the helpful info, Amal! I just signed up for the DT Club as well.
After reading through the replies and doing some research, I’m now leaning toward a left forearm or wrist placement.
No, mine, I have other uses for it, but it is very comfortable on my forearm.