In case you wanted more info
Andrew McCarthy Photography.
In case you wanted more info
Andrew McCarthy Photography.
So if you’re remotely into astronomy, you’ll know, but…
April 8th. Total solar eclipse from the NE of the US, down in an arc through Texas and on out through Mexico. Online MAPS if you google 'em.
@darthdomo You’re in Indiana, right? Map shows it passing right through the state and all most dead on Indianapolis. Any chance of cool Pics?
Yep, I’ll be keeping my eye out (with shielding) lol. Should get quite a long totality right at my house, might drive to my dad’s work, which’ll add a little bit more time. Hoping there’s no weather issues. Hoping I can take some pics.
Make sure to take enough stuff for a short stay. Every, and I mean EVERY Port-a-Potty in the state of Arkansas was booked for that weekend almost 2 years ago. Any place with population density in the totality could be a parking lot for a few hours, and don’t even think about buying a sandwich / drink.
Unless it’s gonna be cloudy, then no worries.
Excited, 40 minutes here til the partial eclipse starts, and a little under 2 hours til the main event.
Got my glasses ready.
Forget the glasses, I need a new desktop background pic.
I’m thinking glowing wispy corona wrapped around the moon.
Seriously, looks like really good weather up your way. I’m currently blue sky, but the clouds could roll in at any time.
Partial started, totality in an hour.
Put a solar filter on my phone to take pics through the partial.
Here you go, the largest res available
I have a friend who works in emergency services at the county level. Apparently a group of people showed up with the belief that a child conceived under the full eclipse would have superhuman powers.
Normally, I’m all for it. Consenting adults and all.
Except now he’s getting reports of naked people running down mainstreet.
People are weird.
Very much appreciated.
Awesome pics
You don’t get it. They’re mooning
Oh. My. God.