Battery-free Bluetooth Connecting Everything - Wiliot Explained

Como veis esto? Seria posible utilizar esta tecnologia para grabar informacion en una micro sd, atraves bluetooth?, se podria empaquetar en un formato subcutaneo?


Maybe. bluetooth low energy can be adjusted to use very small packets of few bytes on a schedule that can accommodate very little available power. anything else is probably very high power and would require efficient energy storage at high energy density, so we’re sort of back to batteries.

tal vez. El bluetooth de baja energía se puede ajustar para usar paquetes muy pequeños de pocos bytes en un horario que puede acomodar muy poca energía disponible. cualquier otra cosa probablemente sea de muy alta potencia y requeriría un almacenamiento de energía eficiente con una alta densidad de energía, así que volvemos a las baterías.


That is actually a brilliant use of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)!
Certainly does deserve further research!

My concern about a BLE-powered micro SD is that with BLE it might take longer than expected for information to be transferred, especially if you are thinking of large files.
I think I read something about NFC having 10 times faster transfer rates than BLE (or bluetooth in general?), but can’t remember the source by heart.

The main thing with Williot is not that they are creating something new to transfer data; But the switch from leveraging NFC readers to utilising Wifi routers, which allows you to keep tracking the tags once they reach the consumer’s homes.

PS: Kudos for the Kurzgesagt vibe on the ad. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

¡Ese es un brillante uso de BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)!
¡Ciertamente merece más investigación!

Mi preocupación acerca de una micro SD energizada por BLE es que con BLE puede llevar más tiempo de lo esperado para transferir la información, especialmente grandes archivos.
Creo que leí algo sobre NFC que tiene tasas de transferencia 10 veces más rápidas que BLE, Pero no puedo recordar la fuente.

La forza de Williot no es que estén creando algo nuevo para transferir datos; pero para aprovechar WiFi sobre los lectores NFC, lo que le permite seguir rastreando las etiquetas una vez que llegan a los hogares del consumidor.

PD: Felicitaciones por la vibra Kurzgesagt en el anuncio. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hrm this was interesting until reading this

I don’t want corps tracking my houses inventory in real time

Need to invest in a EMP/Rfid kill device once they start trying that shit

That is sort of what Willot’s product is about.

Not a direct correlation to BLE as an implant possibility.


I don’t even want to imagine the data mining and ad targeting, when consumable goods I buy have wifi powered BLE tags spitting out data

I will emp my grocery’s when that sad day arrives

I was initially like, coool, can this be an implant?
Now that I’m thinking about the corporations would use it in regards to consumers, I hope the tech fails,
It’s to easy and too slippery of a slope

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Da los datos de temperatura… Y si la temperatura baja drasticamente en mi cuerpo? Por la noche, mientras duermo, puede ble llamar a los servicios medicos?

I don’t believe it is currently destined for an implant

Technicaly? yes!
Currently I am not aware of any company doing it exactly as a BLE implant, but that is a growing industry and it makes perfect sense this should be developed.
Theoretically a BLE implant would have the advantage of being able to be constantly read while you’re at home, but would cease working (unless constantly paired with your phone) once you leave home.

Most common cases I know at the moment are implants able to monitor health parameters, such as temperature, but they are passive: you need to utilise a battery powered reader to get data…

The closest thing I’ve read recently to what you’re asking is a battery-powered skin patch you put on top of the implant and the patch constantly takes readings and sends them to your phone via Bluetooth (not clear if BLE), then the phone has an app that reacts to these readings and can call emergency services automatically.

No tengo conocimiento de ninguna empresa que lo haga exactamente como un implante BLE, pero esa es una industria en crecimiento y tiene mucho sentido que esto deba desarrollarse.

Teóricamente, un implante BLE tendría la ventaja de poder ser leído constantemente mientras está en casa, pero dejaría de funcionar una vez que salga de casa (a menos que se vincule constantemente con su teléfono).

En los casos más comunes tiemos implantes capaces de monitorear parámetros de salud, como la temperatura, pero son pasivos: es necesario utilizar un lector con una batería para obtener datos…

Lo más parecido que he leído recientemente a lo que está preguntando es una pegatina cutánea a batería que se coloca sobre el implante y la pegatina toma constantemente lecturas de el implante y las envía a su teléfono a través de Bluetooth (no está claro si es BLE), el teléfono tiene una aplicación que reacciona a estas lecturas y puede llamar a los servicios de emergencia automáticamente.

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No functionarĂ­a un implante Bluetooth para nada: Bluetooth es 2.4 GHz (microondas), que es una frecuencia que se va absorta 100% por agua. Es decir, un implante BT bajo la piel solo sirve para calentar tu carne.


That is a very good shout!
didn’t even crossed my mind.

Guess we’re stuck with patch solutions for now! (until someone develops a synthetic nail replacement, it is)

¡Bien dicho!
ni siquiera se me pasĂł por la cabeza.

Supongo que por ahora estamos atrapados con soluciones a base de parche.