“Best Practices” Way to Change T5577 Mode

What else you got in those corners? :joy:

I understand, The PM3 is my go to for my implants, but for a quick clone to a card in the field where no computer is available, I know your blue cloner works and I wont have to buy a bunch of knockoffs to get a good one.

Just an antenna mod or are you looking at firmware?

No immediate agenda just yet, I’ve not even cracked mine open.
I have no use for an antenna mod since I won’t be using it for implants.

Firmware modifications sound intriguing though :thinking: I wonder if this is something others have already explored.

Not to say it hasn’t been explored or done, just none that I am aware of.

A couple of considerations would be to increase the Library and remove the password.



Do they have implants?

Ummmm, duh!
Webs slingers… :spider: :spider_web:



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I used a pm3 easy, it was very “easy” just line up the implant coil with the antenna coil like so and hit write. I usually hit the command a few extra times just to be sure and it hasn’t failed yet. No custom antennas needed.

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