Best responses for skeptics?

More and more people get to experience what happens when the information they give - willingly or not - gets used against them. I was lucky enough to have a primer when corporate surveillance was only in its infancy, and not quite as nefarious as it is now. But most haven’t yet. Those who have know exactly what to fear and hate.

The problem is, when a critical mass of people realize the pickle we’ve let ourselves be in as a society, it’ll be too late to do anything about. In fact, it probably is already.

Most people know China is evil, many even understand why. Yet they still buy cartloads of China-made products at Walmart without any qualms, not realizing the contradiction. People don’t think anymore these days, they react to stuff they’re told.

It’s good that you understand how to drive people with gut reactions and steer their misguided feelings away from implants. Unfortunately, people whose opinions are truthiness that comes from the guts aren’t exactly an informed population, and aren’t likely to rebel en masse against the corporate encroachment on civil liberties.

As a side note, it’s funny in a way that a forum run by an implant manufacturer serves as a meaningful vehicle for intelligent conversation on surveillance. In the past - say in the 90s when I read about Kevin Warwick’s experiment - I was firmly in a “chips are evil” camp. I used to think their potential for abuse was too great if people started to use these things willingly to identify themselves everywhere, because it would be way too easy to track them from the breadcrumb trail of scan events they would generate,

Well, in 2020, the vast majority of people around the world are followed around much more closely than it would have ever been possible with chips, the breadcrumb trail has become a solid line, and the information derived from biometrics and metadata analysis is much more vast and intrusive than a puny handful of bytes scanned every once in a while on different isolated readers.

So, in an ironic twist, I reckon implants have now become the electronic identification method of choice for the privacy conscious who wants to give away as little information as possible and still enjoy the benefits of not using physical keys or cards. At least that’s how I see my own implants: I’m reasonably happy to let an RFID or NFC reader exchange a bit of data with my hand, but I sure as hell won’t let a computer take a photo of my face or scan my fingerprint and send it to some remote corporate server doing who-knows-what with the data, just to identify me.


When I try to explain to my friends why I chipped myself, I generally use the analogy of people getting tattoos:
A tattoo may have no significance to you, but to the person that got it, it can have significance. A tattoo is permanent, but a chip is not (slightly visible scar tissue, maybe). Chips can have use, and tattoos have only superficial meaning to people that notice them.
If there existed a chip that could track a person, it would be remarkable technology that I would love to learn about. I then bring up how the chip could be powered while implanted, but the conversation usually doesn’t get that far.


Alternatively, if you want to cut the conversation short, make a sock puppet shape with your hand facing you, look at your hand and say in a deep voice “What do you say Ronny? Do we answer him?” Then purse your lips and make your hand reply in a high pitched voice “Hmm no! We’ve been told not to talk to strangers. Run away!”


People act like you’re making yourself a slave to the government by implanting chips that can only be read from a few cm, but the phones they carry are leaps and bounds beyond what you can put in chips these small. Every sensor in that phone is logging data on you to build a consumer model for advertisers and it attempts to predict your next move from the cloud for advertising and possibly more when the feds are already involved.


Would it be possible to make it to a video?
Similar to “We Are Anonymus…”
Some community p̶r̶o̶p̶a̶g̶a̶n̶d̶a̶ mockaganda something.

When they quote me the mark of the beast I just ask nicely to leave that beast alone.


i translate NF (near field) and show that my phone does not work on a centimeter distance or more.
So non traceable.

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