I definitely couldn’t agree more with the freedom from management burden, especially with the keys too. Back in late 2012 I once lost my main keys (I found them later that day) but that was enough for me, plus I was sick of using them anyway. So I spent the better part of my weekend project time in the summer of 2013 installing piece by piece the access control system for my house. I basically put a full blown system in just like you would find big buildings, hehe, but at the time I mounted a key fob on my watchband. It worked great, no more keys, and I never really took my watch off except for showering. Fast forward to now, I can take my watch off now if it’s bothering my skin (it does when it’s warm). Thanks to DT, I have a nice implant that allows me the freedom to walk through my doors as if they were unlocked. Not too mention now I’m converting all my computer logins over to implant based, plus the developments of Vivokey,
pressing forward with a future payment implant, ohhhh yyyyeeeaaahhhhh!
You have now sent me down a spiral of trying to figure out how I could build such a device. I would probably set it up on a scale of notes (like Neil and his colour = Notes theory) as I do have a keen sense of hearing (when 3 of your senses are lesser I guess you really do get better in the others)
I have found very little on the topic of electronic noses processing smells, (it has been done on very few topics with very little info about how one would go about doing it) as most of them are for detecting gasses, rotten food and detecting lung cancer. Yes, a device warning me of rotting food or gases would be nice, but I have gas detectors in the house and to be honest, I don’t eat anything that’s past the exploration date. This device would be fully for the act of being able to associate smells I can not preserve and assign them with sounds I can.
Seeing as I’m a high school dropout that really has no experience with building electronics I am stuck, but I will be continuing through all the long and dry medical and science articles I have found on the topic.
That’s not the point. I’m sure Neil Harbisson had labeled shirts before he decided to experience colors for himself.
Exactly. Kind of like, you know, those people who can’t wait to spend hexabucks on a tiny magnet to acquire a magnetic field-sensing sense There are plenty of detectors available to do that, but they want to experience it for themselves by repurposing a few of their finger’s touch sensors.
The first thing I thought when you posted you lacked the sense of smell was, what a great opportunity you have to try and discover something that we all take for granted!
Oh boy, by all means don’t let that stop you. There are plenty of high-school and college dropouts who went on to achieve great things. In fact, it may be to your advantage, as you haven’t been taught what can’t be done. If you’re truly interested in the subject, you’ll learn everything you need to get what you want far better and faster than anything any school can teach you.
I know, this was just to point out the fact I can’t use most pre-designed ideas on the concept of smell detectors as a springboard of how I could make mine.
This was more saying I don’t have the fundamentals on how to find what I’m looking for, when I don’t know how to look for it in the first place. I’ve done well for myself since high school, better than I would be if I stuck it through. but searching “smell sensor” can only bring up so many results of gas detectors till I will need to find more precise concepts on what I’m looking for in particular.
It should not be a problem, especially since the internet is available 24/7 to give you a wealth of information about anything and everything these days.
You seem like a pretty clever guy: I betcha it won’t take you long to acquire the fundamentals if you need them and you look for them. You’d be surprised how quick it goes from one dumb question on your search engine of choice to a great article that explains it all in simple English with clear illustrations and videos. That’s something very few teachers have managed to give me when I went through school.
Like many kids of my generation, I learned programming all by myself on a crappy homebrew computer, with a few ultra-technical manuals and - of course - no internet. It’s really strange how the learning went for me. Like for example, on the Apple II, I learned how to activate the buzzer (PEEK -16336 if you’re curious - I still know it by heart ) before I knew what PEEK did, what that negative value was, why it output something when PEEK is in fact a read command, what memory was, what a byte or a word was - or hell, what a buzzer was.
If I had learned all the concepts behind that command before using it, I would have spent hours trying to find what’s wrong with it. Instead, I just did it and it went pop. And then later when I taught myself about bases, processor busses and addressing, one day it all clicked into place and I went “Oooh Woz, you fucking genius!” This and many other weird learning paths has made me a better engineer - I think.
So I say go right ahead and dive into it. You’ll probably come up with something tons more clever than if you started from academic knowledge, and you’ll end up with a much firmer grasp of whatever you learned by yourself.
I know that look because I’ve caused it so many times
Various managers of a shitty job I used to work would lock theirs keys in the office by accident, and freak out that they wouldn’t be able to close, or they would have to call in the big boss
I’d roll up like,
“Soo I can probably get you in the office easy, but I don’t want to get in trouble for “haxoring teh loks” or some other stupid blame the guy helping you stuff
“Oh no… if you can get me in that would be great, nobody would yell at you, you’re doing us a huge favor etc…”
With him watching I walked into the break room next door, picking a monster can out of the recycling, cut the tops off, cut a nice sheet out, walked over to the door and shimmed that bad boy… 3 minutes maybe?
Manager was dumbfounded and ghost faced but super appreciative
I kid you not, not 12 FUCKING hours later they put a shim plate on the door
(Acted like I couldn’t be trusted lol)
Told that manager next time he locks himself out he’s on his own, and left him high and dry the next time and he got reamed for it
All while playing delightfully dumb,
“No since they put this plate on here there’s NOTHING I can do”
… I still got in like 3 different ways for other people
Haha but by then they knew that I would never help them again if they stabbed me in the back
Yea they locked their keys in a lot