Blue Cloner xEM in needle

Should I try to write to my xEM using the blue cloner while still in the needle?

If I write to it after the install I might brick it inside of me, but if I write to it in the needle I have a higher risk of bricking it, right?

What would you do?

Writing in the needle requires really good coupling, no way I’d try with a blue cloner.

Personally, I’m not going near the one in my hand with a blue cloner either, but that would be a much better calculated risk.

I wrote to my NExT in me with the blue cloner first try.

Okay I’ll do it once the swelling has gone away!

The needle doesn’t affect LF performances all that much.

I’d say if you manage to get a solid read 1/4" from the needle (coil perpendicular to the needle), then you’re probably safe to write with the coil as close as possible.

That is, as safe as the blue cloner can ever be - needle or not. Me, I’m in the same boat as Compgeek: no way I’m using the thing on any of my implant unless it’s an urgent necessity and my Proxmark3 is unavailable. In other words, never.