Hi Bono
This is the app Rosco is talking about
NFC Tools is good, but sometimes struggles to correctly identify the chip.
Try your scan again, and if you are comfortable doing so, this is the info we are after
As Rosco pointed out, you are correct, you card is High Frequency (13.56MHz) which is why your phone can read it, therfore you can’t write it to a Low Frequency implant (125kHz). eg. xEM
Therefore you will be looking at HF implant options. xNT (including the NExT), xDF2 FlexDF, FlexDF2 , now is where it gets a little tricky, With these implants you can’t write the UID of your card onto these, but as Rosco explained above, you may be able to enroll them into your access system
(through the system administrator etc) this will depend on what your system is “looking” for to grant access.
Your other options are the “magic” implants, these are HF but with changable UIDs (NUIDs) which means, you can take your authorised card UID, and write this to the following implants, xM1, FlexM1gen1a FlexM1gen2 etc.
looking at your UID it is 7bytes, and these “magic” implants only have 4byte NUIDs.
SO, for these to be an option, your system would have to be looking for just the first 4 bytes of a UID and nothing else (this is quite unlikely)
What next for you?
From here, if you can share your TagInfo for your access card, we can point you toward your most likely option, but this will most likely also require you having to do some social engineering of the admin person to get your implant enrolled.
Hope this helps