Can't write data on FlexNT

At this point I’m not 100% sure looking at these comments. I linked this thread to my installer yesterday so I shall see what he has to say about this. Hopefully I’ll be hearing from him on Monday or Tuesday about the package.

Update on this.

My installer checked emails with Amal and my chip is probably the extra chip that got sent to him. Where he kept it it was in flexNT box but the chip was flexM1. My phone is so new so it’s able to read the chip no problem with the basic ndef data.

I got my chip working again by formatting it with the mifare classic tool app and now the NFC tools pro is working again.

And I’d like to add that my installer has been huge help and their service has been awesome and I will be going there in the future also even tho there was this thing.

Thank you all for the help. :grin:


Name names… Who is this great installer? People are always looking for recommendations.

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He’s name is Lassi form :grin:

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Hmm, a familiar name :slight_smile:

I confirm the comment about him being a great installer.