A bunch of stuff for you mate, firstly
Is it MIFARE DESFire EV1 or EV2?
Yes, it is good, some people prefer it, I personally prefer Taginfo and TagWriter by NXP.
Tricky question… could be.
Sounds like you have a 7byte UID Mifare.
If that is the case I would have reccomended the Desfire Implants (links to follow)
You MAY luck in with your NExT, if your system is just using ISO14443A protocol and only looking for a UID, (not 100% on this)
you won’t be able to clone your card, (The NTAG chip in your NExT does not have a changable UID, nor do the DESFire implants) but you may be able to enroll your card…I’m just on my phone at the moment, I can give you some more info when I am at a PC.
In the meantime, if you can follow this with your work fob / card
And have the info ready…