Cloning a NFC Vcard to xSIID NFC using only Proxmark3

Anybody here can help me as its more than 3 weeks and iam struck with a XSIID not being read by any NFC mobile but can be read by Proxmark3 and a NEXT LF side being misidentified as Indala.The HF side of Next card works perfect and i have a Vcard [756 byte] data type file written perfectly using NFC Tools ( Custom Record Option )

Need immediate help /command Command in [proxmark3] for below

  1. Cloning a NFC Vcard [756 byte] to xSIID NFC using only Proxmark3
  2. Copy Vcard [756 byte] data manually into xSIID NFC using only Proxmark3
    3, Fix a Next Tag being misidentified as Indala , have tried all contact zones and orientation.

NB : The last development on the Next LF side is it still identifies as Indala with hopping ids on “LF Search”
[=] NOTE: some demods output possible binary
[=] if it finds something that looks like a tag
[=] False Positives ARE possible
[=] Checking for known tags…
[!] Specify one authentication mode
[=] Odd size, false positive?
[+] Indala (len 78) Raw: 800000000080038008080080afffffffefffffffdfffffffffff7fff

[usb] pm3 → lf search

[=] NOTE: some demods output possible binary
[=] if it finds something that looks like a tag
[=] False Positives ARE possible
[=] Checking for known tags…
[!] Specify one authentication mode
[=] Odd size, false positive?
[+] Indala (len 74) Raw: 80000000000000024080affffffffeffbffee9fffffff6ffff7ff3df

[+] Valid Indala ID found!

And then gets detected when i run this “t5 detect”
[usb] pm3 → lf t5 detect
[=] Chip type… T55x7
[=] Modulation… DIRECT/NRZ
[=] Bit rate… 2 - RF/32
[=] Inverted… Yes
[=] Offset… 35
[=] Seq. terminator… No
[=] Block0… 00080000 (auto detect)
[=] Downlink mode… 1 of 4 coding reference
[=] Password set… No

Example tag code
[usb] pm3 → lf em 410x clone --id 19006F58DE
[+] Preparing to clone EM4102 to T55x7 tag with EM Tag ID 19006F58DE (RF/64)
[#] Clock rate: 64
[#] Tag T55x7 written with 0xff8e40033ca8efbe

ON the XSIID the HF tag is clear recognizable via Proxmark3as you can see though it cannot be read or identified by any NFC phone useng NFC taginfo,Writer or NFC Tools pro.

[usb] pm3 → hf search
[|] Searching for ISO14443-A tag…
[+] UID: 04 CC 8A D2 CD 52 80
[+] ATQA: 00 44
[+] SAK: 00 [2]
[+] MANUFACTURER: NXP Semiconductors Germany
[+] Possible types:
[+] MIFARE Ultralight
[+] MIFARE Ultralight C
[+] MIFARE Ultralight EV1
[+] MIFARE Ultralight Nano
[+] MIFARE Hospitality
[+] NTAG 2xx
[=] proprietary non iso14443-4 card found, RATS not supported
[?] Hint: try hf mfu info

[+] Valid ISO 14443-A tag found

[usb] pm3 → hf mfu info

[=] — Tag Information --------------------------
[+] TYPE: NTAG I2C plus 1912bytes (NT3H2211FHK)
[+] UID: 04 CC 8A D2 CD 52 80
[+] UID[0]: 04, NXP Semiconductors Germany
[+] Blocks 0-2: 04 CC 8A D2 CD 52 80 00 44 00 0F 00
[+] Lock: 0F 00 - 0000111100000000
[+] OneTimePad: E1 10 6D 00 - 11100001000100000110110100000000

[=] — NDEF Message
[+] Capability Container: E1 10 6D 00
[+] E1: NDEF Magic Number
[+] 10: version 0.1 supported by tag
[+] : Read access granted without any security / Write access granted without any security
[+] 6D: Physical Memory Size: 872 bytes
[+] 6D: NDEF Memory Size: 872 bytes
[+] 00: Additional feature information
[+] 00000000
[+] xxx… - 00: RFU ( ok )
[+] …x… - 00: don’t support special frame
[+] …x… - 00: don’t support lock block
[+] …xx. - 00: RFU ( ok )
[+] …x - 00: IC don’t support multiple block reads

[=] — Tag Signature
[=] IC signature public key name: NXP NTAG21x (2013)
[=] IC signature public key value: 04494E1A386D3D3CFE3DC10E5DE68A499B1C202DB5B132393E89ED19FE5BE8BC61
[=] Elliptic curve parameters: NID_secp128r1
[=] TAG IC Signature: 9D588A72A4C62EDC91CDCE52DA60887A24489D28655F9D1F48A57895D599250C
[+] Signature verification ( successful )

[=] — Tag Silicon Information
[=] Wafer Counter: 17455546 ( 0x10A59BA )
[=] Wafer Coordinates: x 204, y 138 (0xCC, 0x8A)
[=] Test Site: 2

[=] — Tag Version
[=] Raw bytes: 00 04 04 05 02 02 15 03
[=] Vendor ID: 04, NXP Semiconductors Germany
[=] Product type: NTAG
[=] Product subtype: 05, 50pF
[=] Major version: 02
[=] Minor version: 02
[=] Size: 15, (2048 ↔ 1024 bytes)
[=] Protocol type: 03, ISO14443-3 Compliant

[=] — Tag Configuration
[=] cfg0 [230/0xE6]: 00 00 00 00
[=] - strong modulation mode disabled
[=] - page 0 and above need authentication
[=] cfg1 [231/0xE7]: 00 00 00 00
[=] - Unlimited password attempts
[=] - NFC counter disabled
[=] - NFC counter not protected
[=] - user configuration writeable
[=] - write access is protected with password
[=] - 00, Virtual Card Type Identifier is not default
[=] PWD [232/0xE8]: 01 00 F8 48 - (cannot be read)
[=] PACK [233/0xE9]: 08 01 - (cannot be read)
[=] RFU [233/0xE9]: 00 00 - (cannot be read)

[+] — Known EV1/NTAG passwords
[!] password not known
[?] Hint: try hf mfu pwdgen -r to get see known pwd gen algo suggestions
[=] ------------------------ Fingerprint -----------------------
[=] Reading tag memory…
[=] ------------------------------------------------------------

So i need to write a Vcard on the xSiid NFC HF and clone a tag or copy ID on the Next LF side by fixing the Indala recognition issue.

So need help commands in Proxmark3 to do it.
