Cloning HID proximity work badge to xEM 125kHz T5577

Haha pretty rual to anything tech related really. Newark, Ohio around where I’m at

I’m also not against trying to get the pm3 figured out but I definitely want to at least get this damn badge copied :laughing: I’m gonna borrow a friends computer later today and go through the motions of again to see if maybe it’s my computer or SOMETHING

Yea, same exact problem on a different computer, windows 11 this time. (Last was win 10)

if you want to set up a call i can maybe poke around with you on it… i’ll DM details


Sounds good! Would love that.

finally got it!
some bug in the code but unlinke me if youre able to read this, this is the answer!

[usb] pm3 → wiegand encode -w C1k48s --fc 282 --cn 642
[+] Wiegand: 80011A000505
[usb] pm3 → lf hid clone -r 180011A000505
[=] Preparing to clone HID tag using raw 180011A000505

[usb] pm3 → lf sea

[=] Checking for known tags…
[+] [C1k48s ] HID Corporate 1000 48-bit std FC: 282 CN: 642 parity ( ok )
[=] found 1 matching format
[+] DemodBuffer:
[+] 1D96A9555555555555555556955555565699555555665566

[=] raw: 09e00000000180011a000505

[+] Valid HID Prox ID found!"


Did Iceman indicate a fix would be forthcoming?

Nice you found a workaround!

I don’t believe so? But the bug has been around for at least a year.

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