so in this instance yay or nay to the top plain?
Yay to both planes and more vias.
Definitely! Although I don’t think that the motor will draw more than 1A. Still beefy is always better.
Oh definitely. It was just in that screenshot I didn’t see a trace that connected the component to the via.
had some more feed back from one of donfires friends. implemented changes, but awaiting confirmation on r13 r14 removal. and gnd via location.
Renumber parts again - start R1/U1/C1 etc. and go up from there
Add another 2-3 GND vias near switching regulator
Move C10 and C12 labelling (maybe some others too) closer to their respective parts
TMC2208 - tie to GND rather than through R11 (can remove R11)
Make C13 not at 45 degrees
C16/C15 should not share GND with R14/R13
Optional -
Could remove sense resistors
Connect TMC NC pins to GND
Move GND / UPDI pads inwards and BZ/SS/LS/RS traces outwards to remove bottom trace + 2 vias
Note that I don’t think any of these would prevent it from working, but definitely on the best practice / perfection side
heres how it looks now - keep the feed back coming.
More updates. Cases is all finalised. New metal thumb turns ariver today. (Will need to be sprayed) finalised the coupler design. (Mite buy one of those janky 30 lathes for 30 bux.
another update, i managed to find some pre existing couplers for a 3d printer. its a 5mm to 8mm inner diameter with grub screws which is perfect. however they are 14mm wide and i need 12.5mm, so im hoping i can just spin it on a drill and file it down.(EDIT : found someone locally with lathe) i managed to get 5 from ali for about 5gbp
how are you powering this?
Will it be able to handle the power generated from manually (un)locking the door?
12-15v wall adapter. and you raise a valid point about power generation, sadly i dont have an answer, maybe its due to only being able to be turned 360 degrees,maybe theres some magic in the motor driver, but i can tell you in the time i have had the units on my door ive never experienced any sort of issue of this sort, and i can testify the door is always locked manually from the inside.
Some more updates. Added a transistor to the readers buzzer to make it louder. Managed to fit it all in its original case too. Next i am gona drill holes in the door handle for the reader cable. This way no additional holes are required. As the cable travells through the handle fixing hole.
so heres the door without the handle, theres enough room in the bottom hole for the door handle fixing, and the reader im currently 3d printing jigs so i can drill holes in the right places,
the outside handle will have a hole in the bottom of the handle and the inside handle will have a hole halfway between the lock barrel hole and the bottom fixing hole. … pics to come…
Today i thought id try an experiment. In a pervious version we had a wifi based id management system. Alows you to edit ids over wifi using a softap. And makes the system plug and play. I was warned that putting the anttenna on the motor would basicly make it not work so i took that at face value . Removed the soft ap and used the attiny1616 instead. However today i decided to test it.
So heres the plan … stick an antenna to the motor in the worse place possible. And see if i can connect to the softap at 3ft. If it works ill breadboard it and replace the attiny with the components from this module
works without issue, im now about 10ft away looks like we are adding wifi again
I expect it to work with decreased performance. But most consumer WiFi gadgets are garbage anyways so it might not be noticeable.
more updates, the couplers are now with my buddy and should be lathed over the next few days. ive procrastinated a bit about the pcb design, the whole smt shenanigans is a bit overwhelming for a newb, so ive decided to take a different aproach, a module based pcb, build into the handle instead of the motor, this also alows for the easy intregration of wifi , so we can add back the softap uid management system,
i had prototyped this idea before, so 90% of the code is done and works,