Do we have to hide?

I love that term! :sweat_smile:

There’s a fine line there… (actually a lot of lines, but this is quite iconic):

What happens when my right to broadcast my life (google glass, phone cam live streaming, implant…) crosses with your right of not wanting to be filmed?

When it’s a phone or a handheld camera, I get it… it’s easy to put it away, so the person insisting on filming is being an ahole for continuing… “easy”.

But what about when our bionic eyes have recording capabilities?

That will stir SO much crap during the gap between early adopters and everyone having it (just like cellphones did)

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I remembered this tweet about hiding implants:



I thought that’s what we called cyborgs who are yet to get a Flex :wink:


Gotta love that humour! :sweat_smile:


Personally I show anyone that wants to listen or learn! I promote it & I show squeamish people my implants all the time. I can’t wait until we get more things to biohack with, I’m patiently waiting for the future haha.

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