Easier way of asking questions

That depends on what you are asking.
Something like the question you have asked, you would probably normally ask on the Dangerous Things website.
There is a floating help button on the bottom right.

However, Especially since, I may have put you crook in the first place, and called my Ultron an Ultimate.I will try to answer it for you, and hopefully, I get it correct this time!
I originally got The Ultron Upgrade Kit - Ultron MAX Kit for $199
I think Ultron kit was a NExT??
An Ultron Max was NExT + original Spark??
( for that same price now, you get NExT + Spark 2 + xLED ) Which is what I meant to say in my previous answer to you :slightly_frowning_face: Which I will quickly fix up, to avoid confusion.

There is:-
Ultron - NExT + Spark 2
Red / White Bundle NExT + Spark 2 + xLED
Ultimate - NExT + Spark 2 + xM1

They all include

Bundle Extras

  • xEM Access Controller
  • KBR1 Wedge Keyboard Reader

I hope that makes sense, and apologies if I caused you confusion

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