Error when trying to write to xNT with NFC TagWriter by NXP

Ok… So… I read the 46/48 post and did the following:

  1. Restarted the Phone
  2. Used DT Support App and did a “Blank NDEF”
  3. Restarted the phone again
  4. Used NXP TagWriter App and “Erase Tags” trying “Factory Default” and “Format as NDEF” and got “This tag can’t be erased (Parts of) Tag protected” for both
  5. Restarted the phone again
  6. Used NFC tools “Erase Tag” and it supposedly succeeded but still didn’t fully wipe.
  7. Used NFC tools “Format memory” and it APPEARS to fully have wiped all data (including the “UUUU” data)
  8. I went back to DT Support App and did a “Blank NDEF”
  9. I was able to write a full sized vCard
  10. Went back to TagInfo and it appears its correct and confirmed no “UUUU” data added.

So… “maybe” its fixed as a result of NFC Tools “Format Memory” action? I’ll post the snippets below for your perusal. The only other thing I have personally used was the Proxmark3 RDV4 to try reading my xNT but I don’t think I tried to do any writing. I did hang out a Defcon (including the Wireless Village) so who knows if someone else was doing something that could have written the binary? (I realize NFC is a close proximity read/write but who knows what the attendees were attempting.)