Field and lead tester

I was wondering about the non-implantable field tester.
Does the tester contain lead?

Because my piercer put the tester in the hollow of the needle of the syringe before I pointed out to him that the RFID was preloaded.

Is there a risk that the injector was contaminated or should it have been implanted for it to be dangerous?

There could be lead in the glass of the field tester version. It’s unlikely any would leach out unless it was exposed to the harsh environment of the human body or specific chemicals like Sodium rhodizonate for awhile.

The bigger concern is hygiene. Did the piercer sterilize the field tester before rubbing it all over the inside of the needle? If not, then keep a very close on on the installation site for at least a month. If you notice any recurrence of inflammation or redness then you may have an infection and should see a doctor.

Okay so there is no problem with lead.
It’s been a few months since I was implanted, and I had no problems.
I don’t know why I think about it now :sweat_smile:

Okay so there is no problem with lead.
It’s been a few months since I was implanted, and I had no problems.
I don’t know why I think about it now

The field testers were made with turnkey industrial glass that has no QA check on glass content or purity. The glass itself is also thinner walled than the xLED. Finally the epoxy resin inside is not med grade or biosafe.

So no big deal?
Sorry, but I’m a little paranoid.

I’d say those are big deals, but that’s me. In short, I would not put those in my body. Why risk it when a purity tested, thicker walled, biosafe resting product is available and affordable?

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Ah no but I didn’t put it in my body !
The tester was simply placed in the needle by mistake, but we removed it before planting the needle to put the VivoKey.
The field tester was not placed in place of the VivoKey, it was simply placed at the end of the needle.
Being Swiss, we were not very well informed, and my piercer believed that that was the implant.
I just wanted to know if dangerous deposits could have contaminated the needle like the VivoKey, or if only an implantation of the field tester could be dangerous.
Since my implantation of the VivoKey, I have not encountered any problem, my body has assimilated the Spark well.
So do you think there is no danger?

The needle was probably definitely contaminated with bacteria and such but I don’t think the momentary contact with the needle created any issues beyond sterile field compromise.

Having had no problems, we can start from the idea that everything is fine.

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