Flex owners! show me your scars!

I’m a bit late to the party but I wanna play!
Here’s my scar from my FlexClass. It was installed on Sept. 15, 2021 and this picture was taking this morning, Dec. 1, 2021.


FlexEm installed ~7 months ago. No stitches, just steristrips.

Why did you remove the flexNext after such a short time? Did anything bother you?

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(Almost) all flexNExTs had failures.

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Ah okay.
Are you an early riser? at this time at a saturday morning? :grinning:


FlexEM scar nearly 8 months later
Looking back was totally my fault it scarred this bad because I didn’t keep the scab dry so it was constantly flaking and returning. Also think the stitches mightve been a bit too tight.

Bevel down flex needle scar (purewrist)
Nearly 5 months later

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10pm on Friday night here. :unicorn_sleeping:

Lucky bugger. Due to the emergency removal / The flex trying to self eject, My scar is pretty apparent and the scars for the stitches look like spiderwebs.

Still a sweet memory of what once was.


Glad to see that the purewrist scar isn’t bad, somewhat eases my fears about my eventual flexM1 install.

Regarding the flexEM scar, it’s interesting to see the variations in scar color between people. (hopefully this isn’t too personal) are most of your scars that deep of a red? I ask because most of mine are super light in color, close to my normal skin color (aka incredibly pale). I’ve got a few cuts on my hand that scarred, and they faded pretty quick. Curious if it’s a genetic thing, or if the bigger trauma of a flex install makes it more likely to be deep in color (since your purewrist install is still a little red).

That photo pre-removal still makes me hurt… did you ever figure out anything that might have caused your flex install to go sideways (other than just plain old infection)?



My theory is the fluid build-up kept it from healing, Due to it being a “non-medical” procedure there was no suggestion of a drain tube that other incision based procedures probably would have had, and my hands may just be too thin and small for such a large object and no drainage.

Thank You! I’ve been so busy I’m never around anymore but the email alerts remind me to check in once in a while.


FlexNExT, 15 months:

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I had a massive infection and had it taken out at a hospital. Maybe there was a little injury inside the pocket or whatever, but I ended up with a very swollen hand and an MRSA infection :woman_shrugging:
Good thing though, I think I have the only flexNExT that still works fine, at least outside of my body :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:





I originally was waiting for my apex flex to have my flexM1 put in, but as of yesterday, I should be getting a larger implant in the mail soon (spoilers!), which isn’t needle installable.

This complicates things a bit since my normal installer can’t do scalpel work (needles only due to state law). I’ll likely have to travel to have it put in, so I’ll likely get my flexM1 put in at the same time.

Thinking of spending a few weeks gathering funds (aka selling old collectables on eBay), and going on another Amtrak trip over winter break, and giving Pineapple a visit in Texas.

Could always do a self install of the flexM1 (I’ve thought about it heavily). I’m not squeamish, the needle insertion part doesn’t worry me, but I don’t have the proper means for needle sterilization. Given that it’d be in my hand, the tools of my trade (gotta be able to type), can’t risk infection.

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I can’t do anything against it. Staying up late just results in being tired. Today was extra soon tho.

My 17*27mm vimpay at ~1.5yrs.

MagicFlex (Aka FlexMT - T5577 + 3 Leds)

Exactly 1 year (in 3 days) since install
11 months since the removal

The scar shows up a lot more in the cold weather, but for now here it is


My tattoo shop sterilized mine. I just talked to the piercer, and he did it for free

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I highly recommend massaging it and trying to keep it warm. The keloids on my forearms from a dog bite are barely noticeable after a year of massaging them.

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I’ll have to look into that.

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Seems to be most of them are light, I have a chemical burn scar and glass bottle cut scar on my leg and they both look about as dark. All of my xseries needle sites and various cuts from the years have turned very bright white. My guess is maybe the constant irritation of the wound after closing is what made it scar such a deep colour (can’t tell from the pics but it’s also quite raised off the skin.)

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