Functional NFC nail

I just looked at the DT store, and the NFC nails for sale there are just shinies. Do bona fide NFC transponders in the form of nails exist?

I’m interested because I lost an entire big toenail 3 years ago, and it’s been slowly growing back, but half of it is caked in unremovable dry blood underneath. It’s clean but it’s gross-looking and I’m a bit tired of that toe looking like I live in the street.

I’d happily glue a NFC nail over it to cover the black funk: at the rate the nail is growing, it would almost be considered permanent, and I have a use for NFC authentication with my feet. But it’d have to be a real NFC tag, not a decorative LED.

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I saw a couple that claimed to be ntags on Alibaba a while back. No links unfortunately and it was down a rabbit hole so not sure the exact phrasing I used.

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