Help Getting Implanted in SE Michigan, NW Ohio

There’s also a guy I’ve done 10+ installs with up near Fenton if that’s helpful, he changed shops recently so I can’t remember the name of the top of my head but I’ll look it up if interested

Sorry just saw this, the guy that did my implant at vicious ink left so I’m looking for somewhere else. Still trying to find someone to put in my titan.

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I’m interested lol. Fentons not too far from me.

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Hive tattoo
Technically in flint I guess, so it’s a small bit more north than I thought

Thomas is the guy you wanna talk to


Sorry for the late response but yest i would love some info on any downriver location thats would do implants.

Hi Everyone,
I am looking for someone to implant in Detroit or nearby… anyone have luck around here?

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Dan from Mothra Studios in Wyandotte.