HELP! lF side of my NeXT

No hand 70200

Hand 69999-70000

That ain’t much.

Dude this sucks if that’s the case I haven’t even gotten to setup my motorcycle ignition!!!

I did shoot… several thousand 9mm round since installing it And I got a cut from my slide very near the implant

Could that repetitive sharp rapping on my hand have damaged it ???

Okay I just tried with mine, and I get 26,950 mV in open air, and 26,675 mV with a xEM in the field (ProxLF antenna). So only 275 mV difference. Surprising, that’s not what I remembered.

So, roughly in line with yours then, give or take. Maybe it’s not dead and it’s just misconfigured after all.

EDIT: okay I think I remembered the voltage drop for HF: I read 46,887 mV in open air, 45,100 with my IAR M1k in the field (-1.8 V) and 46,200 with the xEM (LF) in the field -0.6V.

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I very much doubt it.Your meat acts as a shock absorber, and it takes rather a lot to bust a glass implant.

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I think you’ve probably borked your config… so probably just forget trying to read it at this point and instead try writing to it to fix your borked config…

lf em 410x_write 0102030405 1

that should set the T5577 up as an EM analog front end and write the ID to it… try writing a few times… then try reading it.


Now back to the Xac!!!



I have only ever seen this…

… when the client software version does not match the firmware version loaded on the proxmark3…

if that’s the case, then you will get … unreliable … results when using your proxmark3.


Wellllll… I was using an older client. Bc the most recent rrg didn’t recognize the command
I will try again

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what’s your hw ver output? have you flashed your proxmark3 with the firmware for that client? they must match.

I believe o did everything correctly.

Performed lf search several times

First time emxxxxxx anything has popped up

hah damn… they changed the command name

lf em 410x_clone 0102030405 1

try that…


You sir… are what customer service training videos should look like.


To the Xac!

Confirmed read with Xac

Thank you so much.
I hope others find this thread and commands useful

Also I changed the UID for you sneaky squirrels out there :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


About that… You’d think Iceman would add a three-liner in the client’s main() to check the version and refuse to work in case of mismatch by now. But that’s not even on his agenda apparently. This is beyond stupid.

Alright! Good job there bubba. I love a story that ends well.

You were a bit lucky not to have bricked the chip though to be honest :slight_smile:

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Drinking and computers rarely go well together

Honestly all I could imagine was the scene in archer where Cyril is blackout drunk hiding the Swiss bank accounts, and then can’t find them when he sobers up


It is open source, have you considered doing a 3 line pull request?

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