Hf mf trying to write wrong

[usb] pm3 → hf 14a config --bcc ignore
[usb] pm3 → hf 14a info

[=] ---------- ISO14443-A Information ----------
[+] UID: 5A 8A AA B1 ( ONUID, re-used )
[+] ATQA: 00 04
[+] SAK: 08 [2]
[+] Possible types:
[+] MIFARE Classic 1K
[=] proprietary non iso14443-4 card found, RATS not supported
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Using BCC0 =0x32
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Using BCC0 =0x32
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Using BCC0 =0x32
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Using BCC0 =0x32
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Using BCC0 =0x32
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Using BCC0 =0x32

[?] Hint: try hf mf commands

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Hmmmmmmmm… Nope, still don’t understand this error…

Just to satisfy my curiosity, would you run an hf mfp info?

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[usb] pm3 → hf mfp info

[=] — Tag Information ---------------------------
[!!] No card response

[=] ---------- ISO14443-A Information ----------
[+] UID: 5A 8A AA B1 ( ONUID, re-used )
[+] ATQA: 00 04
[+] SAK: C0 [2]
[+] Possible types:
[+] P2P Support / Android
[=] proprietary iso18092 card found

[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Using BCC0 =0x32
[!] No ISO14443-A Card in field
[=] — Fingerprint
[=] Size… 2K (4 UID)
[=] SAK… 2K 7b UID
[=] — Security Level (SL)
[+] SL mode… SL1
[=] SL 1: backwards functional compatibility mode (with MIFARE Classic 1K / 4K) with an optional AES authentication

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I run it again, and the output is different.

[usb] pm3 → hf mfp info

[=] — Tag Information ---------------------------
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Aborting
[!] No ISO14443-A Card in field

[=] ---------- ISO14443-A Information ----------
[+] UID: 5A 8A AA B1 ( ONUID, re-used )
[+] ATQA: 00 04
[+] SAK: 08 [2]
[+] Possible types:
[+] MIFARE Classic 1K
[=] proprietary non iso14443-4 card found, RATS not supported
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Aborting
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Aborting
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Aborting
[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Aborting

[?] Hint: try hf mf commands

[#] BCC0 incorrect, got 0x32, expected 0x72
[#] Aborting
[!] No ISO14443-A Card in field
[=] — Fingerprint
[=] Size… 2K (4 UID)
[=] SAK… 2K 7b UID
[=] — Security Level (SL)
[+] SL mode… SL1
[=] SL 1: backwards functional compatibility mode (with MIFARE Classic 1K / 4K) with an optional AES authentication

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The one card I have that has this same error is a MFP with MFC emulation mode enabled, I was kind of hoping that would be a trend, as that might give a clue to the root cause…

But this seems to be a genuine Mifare Classic as far as I know how to check anyways…

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Anybody know why the BCC the PM3 is looking for is different than the BCC online calculators think it should be?

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