Hi, thinking of getting an implant and need some advice

Whats up! I’m one of the 2 from the UK (England, Bristol) welcome to the forum!

Your 14 at least you have an excuse, I’m 25 and my xSIID forwards people to Rick Astly …

Oh my god someone who guenuinly did do there homework! School pun intended, you would be amazed the number of times that gets asked!

If your interested in payments go over here and fill in the survey at the top.

As @Pilgrimsmaster said try scanning the card with your phone and we can look at helping you further, obviously this relies on your phone having NFC.

Not at all, I would treat it the same as a piercing and that your parents are happy to agree to it. The only problem MAY be installers as most piercers I’ve ever spoken to won’t do anything (other than earlobes) until your 16 but the only way to find out is by asking!

We CANNOT offer medical advice, that being said the common places to have chip installed will grow proportionally (ie all parts grow not just some) position 0 for example will grow with the rest of your hand and thus the chip should stay in the same place relative to everything elseso its a safe bet they will be fine.

If you haven’t already dig around the Wiki and project sections and have a good read! Chances are you’ll get a flood of ideas. Once you’ve settled on atleast one project we can better aid you with your questions.

Here is the ksec installers map, i personally have had an install buy Lou at twisted monkey. He was amazing and really quick!