Hi, thinking of getting an implant and need some advice

If you were to buy a very cheap Mifare Classic 1k 4 byte ID, ( Ebay, aliexpress, etc ) you could do some testing at your school with it…
Haha, yes, I just read your post, exactly! :+1:

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haha, good idea on buying a card for testing btw. Better to actually do a test then assume and pray that it works.


I’d say go for it. Nothing too loose. Except maybe your parents getting a call from a panicked school administrator about your plans to stab yourself, because people are well people…


haha, that would be great :laughing:

(responding to the if the human is found post btw)

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Hello !

So we do have a partner network with UK installers, https://cyborg.ksecsolutions.com/cyborg-centers-worldwide/ .

However you’re going to run into issues with being under 16 for sure. Some piecers will do some basic piercings to people younger but 16 is a rule of thumb.

In the meantime be sure to check out our UK store ! https://cyborg.ksecsolutions.com/

Also be cautious what you do at school … Don’t want anyone to get in trouble !

I have a Small Nfc tag lying around (A Mifare Ultralight but wasn’t expecting it to work anyway). I tried to copy the data of my school Id card but every app either says that there was a read error or that there was no info to read, is the card encrypted in some way do you think?

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Most apps are designed to deal with reading and writing NDEF records, the Mifare classic cards store data differently, so these apps won’t be able to read it. Unfortunately even if they could, they wouldn’t be able to copy it to an Ultralight.

The other issue you’ll run into is the NUID (like a serial number) won’t match and you need a special type of card to write over that

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Ok, i downloaded a Mifare classic reader/writer app and i am now able to read the Id card successfully, shall i know just buy a another Mifare Classic card to use for testing to make sure it is compatible. (when school restarts of course)

Hmmm, to deal with the NUID i would prob have to get my school to write or accept the implant into their system


Yep, the Mifare classic 1k 4 byte UID.

Hopefully they are accommodating


Since you’re using Android, try and get yourself a ‘Block 0 writeable’ ‘Gen2’ magic Mifare Classic - you should be able to change the NUID on this using your phone.

As @NiamhAstra suggested, it may not be using the full NUID, writing the first 4 bytes may be enough (not likely to work but worth a try) and might be able to get it to work without talking to IT, but if it doesnt work then they can still try and enrol it


ok, i have done a bit of looking around for a non bulk order card and have found this

do you think this is suitable for testing?

You likely want the “CHINESE MAGIC CARD” variety that let you clone existing ones IDs. I recommend the gen 2 ones for testing as you should be able to use your phone with them. The ones you linked are the normal ones with no back door from what I can see so you will only be able to test them if your school IT people are willing to try enroll the tag for you.


I’m in the same boat, I’m a bit older 17 but my parents won’t even talk about anything to do with implants, biohacking or body modifications. But I tell them in 6 month I’ll be 18 and then you can’t stop me. So I’m ordering the NeXT soon! good thing I have a truck to sleep if need be.

Drastic measures to get an IMPLANT, but I applaud your devotion.

Just bring them around to it through education, rather than a slap in the face.:raised_hand:
show them some things like

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I will play devils advocate and say that they likely would never know unless you told or showed them.

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Implants are nice and all, but they’re not worth souring your relationship with your parents for. Not by a long shot.

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I think it just comes down to not understanding it and learning to. Very similar thing happened when I was young and wanted to get multiple face piercings - my mother said she’d disown me, but I did it anyway and she learned to accept and eventually like them in time.

My advice @Edward would be to gather some good (and non-scary) resources to help educate them. Maybe even find some videos of people using them to show them. Give them real-world examples of things like door access at university etc. Tell them it’s the same kind of thing that dogs and cats have. Stay away from videos of injectors and needles unless they specifically want to know how it gets implanted inside you. Be realistic but show them you know what you’re talking about, you’re aware of the risks etc.

I think the trick to things like this is to show them you’re mature and knowledgeable and not just bite back at them. End of the day though, I am an advocate for bodily autonomy so it’s your choice!


My fathers worried That the government is going to track me from Space and my mother is fine with it mostly.

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Absolutely 100% impossible. Tell your dad they can track him by his mobile phone but not by an implant :wink: He obviously doesn’t understand how they work so yeah - hit him with some knowledge in a calm and respectful way, he may come around!

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Tell him it’s basically the exact same technology used in pets… and you can’t find lost pets. If this kind of tracking was possible, companies would be charging people to find their lost pets all day long… but they aren’t, because it’s not. If he doesn’t believe you, have him call a veterinarian or animal shelter and ask (even though they do CALL it a “pet tracking chip”… fucking marketing assholes).