yep there is… but to get there you have to deconstruct the hex data into binary and then pick your format.
• Raw data as one big binary; 0001000001010100001111000000001001110110
• H10302 is 37 bits 706609467 = 00101010000111100000000100111011
Notice that it’s 37 bits and not 32 or 40? That means 8 bit byte boundaries do not apply. The relevant data bits for a 37 bit ID in H10302 format are easily found in the raw binary;
• H10304 37 bit FC 1347 + CN 393531 = 010101000011 + 01100000000100111011
The FC is easily found…
The CN is tricky because the binary conversion from decimal puts a leading 0 and in binary, all leading 0s can be ignored… so now without the leading zero we can see it immediately follows the FC…
How and where to split these up is defined in HID documentation, but as you can see you could make several different demarcations of the same binary data based on different HID specifications to arrive at different FC and CN values. That’s why when exploring this stuff you will pretty much always need to break everything down to the binary level first, then build it back up in the shape of the data format you’re looking for.
Many cards print the full data on them or the FC and CN on them… but this card looks to obfuscate the FC data behind a sales order number… so an HID rep would need to look up that sales order printed on the card in their sales database to find the correct FC.