How do I remove individual FIDO2 keys from apex flex?

You can use the Yubikey manager CLI (ykman) with the ykman fido credentials list command to list the credentials stored on the Apex / FlexSecure. You need to specify the reader you use using “–reader”.

General info, note that FIDO2 is shown as not available, but that is incorrect, it works regardless:

❯ ykman --reader "NFC NCI 00 00" info
Device type: YubiKey 4
Serial number: 279773097
Firmware version: 4.0.0
NFC transport is enabled

Applications    USB             NFC          
Yubico OTP      Disabled        Enabled
FIDO U2F        Disabled        Enabled
FIDO2           Not available   Not available
OATH            Disabled        Enabled
PIV             Disabled        Enabled
OpenPGP         Disabled        Enabled
YubiHSM Auth    Not available   Not available

Check out FIDO options, fingerprint stuff and config is not supported by our Applet. Reset must be done by re-installing via Fidesmo instead.

❯ ykman --reader "NFC NCI 00 00" fido
Usage: ykman fido [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage the FIDO applications.


    Reset the FIDO (FIDO2 and U2F) applications:
    $ ykman fido reset

    Change the FIDO2 PIN from 123456 to 654321:
    $ ykman fido access change-pin --pin 123456 --new-pin 654321

  -h, --help  show this message and exit

  info          display general status of the FIDO2 application
  reset         reset all FIDO applications
  access        manage the PIN for FIDO
  config        manage FIDO configuration
  credentials   manage discoverable (resident) credentials
  fingerprints  manage fingerprints

Query info about the FIDO applet:

❯ ykman --reader "NFC NCI 00 00" fido info
PIN:                          8 attempt(s) remaining
Minimum PIN length:           4
Always Require UV:            Off
Credential storage remaining: 22

Check out credential operations:

❯ ykman --reader "NFC NCI 00 00" fido credentials
Usage: ykman fido credentials [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage discoverable (resident) credentials.

  This command lets you manage credentials stored on your YubiKey. Credential management is only available when a FIDO PIN is set on the YubiKey.


    List credentials (providing PIN via argument):
    $ ykman fido credentials list --pin 123456

    Delete a credential (ID shown in "list" output, PIN will be prompted for):
    $ ykman fido credentials delete da7fdc

  -h, --help  show this message and exit

  delete  delete a credential
  list    list credentials

List existing credentials:

❯ ykman --reader "NFC NCI 00 00" fido credentials list
Enter your PIN: 
Credential ID  RP ID                Username                Display name
f██████9...    g█████.com           StarGate01                          
d██████9...    g█████.com           c████████████████████e              
2██████2...    v█████████████  c████████████████████e              
f██████1...    w█████████.com       c████████████████████e        

You can the use the ykman fido credentials delete command to delete a specific credential by specifying its ID.