How to check NExT chip into the applicator before installing?

I’m the person to answer that!

Your tag can have multiple records no problem! They can be any type of record you like, including things like WiFi settings (NXP TagWriter can do these) and vCards, the issue is iOS native reading. You will only ever see notification for links like i indicated above, and iOS only shows you the first link it finds on the tag. If you have multiple links, apps like NXP TagInfo and NFC Tools can show them all and let you use them, but if you don’t have the app open you’ll only be able to do the first link.

On mine i have vCard as record 0, phone call link as record 1, and text as record 2

So an Android device should see the vCard, since it is the first record and Android natively supports that. iPhones get a notification to call my number in a single tap (they can pull down the banner to add to contacts, but my name isn’t prefilled), and if i use a scanning app i can also see the text record.

Hope this makes sense!

Pilgrimsmaster: Jailbreaking I’m not sure, but it’s not something I’d advise - I’ve done the jailbreak thing before, and it’s just not as stable, kind of defeats the point of using an iPhone if what you want is an android :wink: