How to "unlock" all the bytes in my xnt nfc implant?

Hi everyone!
I’ve a doubt, my xnt nfc implant shows only 46 bytes available but i know the implant has more space to write (7 byte UID and 880 bytes of user read/write memory)
Is there a way to use all the space?


Sometimes, for various reasons, NFC Tools does not report the correct size. There are two things that can fix this. The first is simply power cycling your phone. It seems so 1998 I know, but turn off your phone and turn it back on… sometimes this fixes the issue. Second, install the Dangerous Things Support Tool and run the “blank ndef” option. This will write a new blank NDEF record to your xNT and that should clear the problem up.

Ok, i’ve just download DTST app and shows:
Get Version: 00 04 04 02 01 00 13 03
Page 00: 04 D1 FC A1
Page 01: 12 FF 38 80
Page 02: 55 48 0F 00
Page 03: E1 12 6D 00
Page 04: 03 19 91 01
Page 05: 08 54 02 65

Page E2 :00 00 7F BD
Page E3 :04 00 00 E2
Page E4 :00 05 00 00

And after Blank NDEF:
promt: NDEF Record has been Wiped
Get Version: 00 04 04 02 01 00 13 03
Page 00: 04 D1 FC A1
Page 01: 12 FF 38 80
Page 02: 55 48 0F 00
Page 03: E1 12 6D 00
Page 04: 03 00 FE 00
Page 05: 00 00 00 00

Page E2 :00 00 7F BD
Page E3 :04 00 00 E2
Page E4 :00 05 00 00

NFC Tools:
(same space available)

do you have any other nfc tool to write in my implant?


NXP Tag Writer App:

(still shows 46bytes only)

Hmm, have you power cycled your phone? I know it seems extremely lame, but this does resolve the problem for some people.

Also, try using TagInfo and do a full scan. You will see there are far more bytes than 46… and it may give some more insight into the issue.

I format my self with NFC tools and then the correct size appears (868bytes)

that was weird…
Also, i confirm that the usb NFC Reader ACS ACR122U-A9 cant read me.

(images) :

with the ACR122U what OS are you running and which software are you using to try to read?

I’m in windows 10 64 bits and using the ACR122U Scripting tool and the ISLOG Logon NFC Software.
(both of them can read nfc cards but not the implant)
Do you have any recomendations ?


The first thing that comes to mind is that the orientation might not be right. Have you seen the video on our xLED product page?