I hope I didn't but I think I did trashed my xnt...Help please

Thanks for the quick reply and input Amal:
No I did not protect it with dangerous nfc Before I attempted to format it I was not aware that was required , I was attempting to push everything through OSX High Sierra & iOS 11 Developer Betas I was not in the Android eco-system at the time.
Now I’m attempting to use and LG K20V Android version 7.0 last updated 08/01/2017 I had to convert the os to developer and enable USB debugging in order for the phone to recognize the ACR122 reader. when I tried to download the Taginfo app by NXP you suggested to do a full scan I’m being told by google play App Store the my devise does not support that app…:thinking: I am at a complete loss not sure but it would seem that for some reason the dangerous Nfc app does not automaticly recognize the ACR122 either because of hardware issues or software issues or phone setting issues :thinking: