Injector-made pocket vs pocket made with a blunt instrument

I had my first 2 implants put in yesterday that weren’t installed with an injector. Quite big implants too compared to glass implants.

The installer used a scalpel to slice open the entry point, then used a tool with a blunt end, not unlike a small spatula, to separate the fascia layer. In one case (flexNExT), the entry point and the pocket are quite wide. In the other (flexM1), the entry point is small and the pocket is long and thin - but still a lot larger than a glass implant.

Considering how brutal the whole procedure was compared to a jab, it’s obvious that it’s less rough on the skin: there’s no swelling nor any bleeding - internal or external. When I compare the result to some of the issues I’ve had with injectors in the past, it’s really quite amazing!

I chatted with the installer about his method, because his spatula tools looked quite unlikely to me. He told me essentially that injector bevels do a more damage than his tools: they don’t cut the entry point as cleanly as a scalpel (more bleeding) and when they penetrate the fascia, they cut and do damage instead of simply separating the layers like a non-cutting tool.

Quite frankly, when I see how good the results are, I believe him. Maybe - probably - it’s also because he’s good at what he does. But the rationale behind his method seems sound anyway.

They call them dermal elevators.

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Yes that’s it! The name escaped me.

They’re interesting tools, and really well suited for the job.

I’m highly dubious as to the reasoning given… regardless of instrument used, you will not be able to break the skin in any way without significant bleeding. My guess is that he used some “magic liquid” with you for this, and aside from magic pain management molecules that liquid also contained epinephrine, which does as much to shut down blood vessels as a tourniquet.

Nope. He even apologized for only having lidocaine without epinephrine.

He didn’t say the skin was less damaged by the skin lifters, but rather the fascia layer. Something about blood vessels running through there not getting cut or something. TBH I ain’t no specialist, so I didn’t understand it all. But whatever he’s doing, it’s working.

Impressed. Basically yes the larger blood vessels can fair better, but I’ve done plenty of injector installs with zero blood because I managed to miss the bigger ones. In the end I like to squeeze them a little to get at least a tiny bit of blood to the incision site just to act as a sealant.

That might even be an advantage - if you use epi, the bleeding occurs later, usually when the wound is already sutured and slightly sealed, so there is more blood pooling up under the skin, and the body has to get rid of that. If it bleeds during the process, blood can be squished out of the wound before suturing (funny sound, actually…) and there might be less pooling and swelling.

Yeah that’s what I thought too. Although it must be said, not much blood was shed yesterday. Like I said, it really went swimmingly - apart from when he proceeded to separate the skin with the spatula under an area that the lidocaine had missed and I jumped in my chair a bit for a few moment :slight_smile:

And then afterwards I had a bit of swelling for a couple hours in front of the doNExT (not even over it), then it went down and that was that. And no swelling at all over the flexM1.

Aside from the aforementioned lidocaine failure, it was a complete nonevent. Compare that to my very first glass implant injection, where the piercer nicked a big vein, my fingers went numb and cold for 3 days, and my forearm turned blue halfway up and took 2 weeks to return to a normal skin color.