Intro and questions

Playing with the proxmark tonight a little. I can’t flash iceman on it, I get the exact same error as this post: FlexMT HF Reading Issues - #9 by Appellus

I set the threshold using lf config t 40 to keep it searching for a tick in case the implant just isn’t in ideal position, that gives me time to wiggle it a bit. It does react to the implant when I scan it.

proxmark3> lf search
Waiting for a response from the proxmark...
You can cancel this operation by pressing the pm3 button
NOTE: some demods output possible binary
if it finds something that looks like a tag
False Positives ARE possible

Checking for known tags:

No Data Found! - maybe not an LF tag?


That pops up immediately when I scan the implant, it does not wait for the timeout, so the field is getting triggered. This is exactly what happens when I scan the T5577 card that I cloned my ioProx fob onto, so that is promising.

Then I try to write the data:

proxmark3> lf t55xx write b 0 d 00147040
Writing page 0  block: 00  data: 0x00147040
proxmark3> lf io clone 0078776039a8ddf3
Cloning ioProx tag with ID 00787760 39a8ddf3

But there is no confirmation of write and the NExT doesn’t respond to lf t55xx detect after that, which the cloned-to card does. Is there a way to confirm the write or force it to wait to first detect a chip before randomly broadcasting the write?