Just got the NExT implanted, I'm finally part of the club

Well today was finally the day. I scheduled my appointment with JR from Mean Street Tattoo.

I just left the shop and JR was great, he likes doing the implants. I told him he came highly recommended on the Dangerous Things forums. Of course my hand didn’t want to cooperate, and it kept bleeding. So JR gave me some extra gauze in case it started bleeding again.


Welcome to the club :nerd_face:

What and when will be the next one? :sweat_smile:


giphy (1)


What are you going to use the NExT for?




JR after it was done he asked me the same thing :slight_smile:

I’m not sure which will be the next one. I’ll be checking out more of them for sure, but I have a lot to learn.

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I’m planning on a few things so far. I do have more uses planned for the HF side of NExT to start with.

  1. open my houses door locks. (Lock supports HF cards)

  2. open and start my wife’s car. (Car uses Fob instead of key - 2017 Nissan Rogue)

  3. vCard / URL type junk. (I’m hoping to be able to change this on the go, with the help of a Flipper Zero. So far it can only write to the LF side, and only read from HF side currently)

I was thinking the with the Flipper Zero I might not need the Proxmark3, but I was wrong there I do need the Proxmark3. Maybe once the Flipper can do more then it will be a great addition to the NExT kit, especially for programming on the go. But until then I’m going to need the Proxmark3 to get started. I do have a lot to learn, and I’m looking forward to learning from everyone in the forums.


Congratulations and welcome to the club!! :smiley:. JR is cool and has been doing mine too :wink:


You should be able to write to it with most phones. However, the NExT comes with a password set by default:

Also: you might need to wait for the swelling to go down and this could take up to two weeks.

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