Microchiped or frequencies, mindreading, 24/7 followed or watched

It wouldn’t be fair for me to move your post without the title you gave it.

"Targeted for nanotechnology equipped with brain computer interface experimental hardware by darpa musk China the CIA FBI and russia? probably! This is just one of my targeted by demons clips though all true "


Wuf that’s a post

These titles are getting more and more creative/clickbaity.


What a brick.

Like I said:

17 posts were merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

I think this has to do with the state they are in when discussing what they perceive as “being under attack”. I’ve noticed similar issues in voicemails and phone conversations as well. The bottom line is, they are in a frantic state basically all the time. Adherence to grammatical rules is far less important than simply “getting it out”.


My theory is that a balanced individual who wishes to convey some information has to channel their thoughts into some kind of coherency filter, to gather up said thoughts into a linear bundle that articulates from premise to conclusion, and connects the thoughts logically. The correct grammar and syntax derive from this logical bundling, and shows that it has taken place.

Also, the individual must place themselves in the shoes of their reader, to express something that makes sense for the intended audience.

I think people who aren’t quite fully furnished in the neurons department have no such filter, and/or have no ability to understand what’s required for others to understand them. Their thoughts flow through directly as they occur in their mind, with no regards for logic or recipient.

It’s not just the mentally disturbed: you often witness something similar in the speech production of self-centered shallow bimbos or poorly socialized individuals also.

What about himbos? Please try to be more inclusive.


I think it’s just easier to think these people stupid than actual consider they are more likely people of average intelligence who are under a kind of extreme duress you can’t really understand without the kind of well considered empathy so often not afforded these kinds or people.

I’ve spoken to people who are quite intelligent, a PhD candidate and a bar certified lawyer for example, but once we started driving into this subject they became more manic… steadily losing all composure as they described their predicament. Early stages of schizophrenia in my opinion… which fundamentally affects the very ability to think straight.

My point is, by the time most people get here to this forum they are very deep into their disease and the very idea of calmly explaining their thoughts about how the entire government is out to get them and all their friends and family have turned against them and even participated in the attacks on them… all semblance of any grammatical skills they may have had are abandoned in favor of trying to scream through the terror at anyone who will listen.


Sometimes I still engage… people I feel are under extreme stress and even if I can’t help them I want to try. This is from a help ticket submitted yesterday…


Yeah mental disease is scary. When my dad went mad, he was transformed into an angry, bitter, totally illogical man. Or rather, he was logical, but he started following a totally skewed logic. If someone had told me he’d become like that one day, I wouldn’t have believed them.

On a lighter note, that reminds me of the lyrics of a song I heard some years ago. It went something like “My friend is losing his mind for fear of going insane”. I thought that was quite funny :slight_smile:

EDIT: Ah, there it is:

Hmm, 2003. Yeah, some years ago :slight_smile:

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Ok check this out
I am high though but hold on ok that was a complete thought two or three I think but hold on

Watch this no editing was done


Yeka you dipstick, you done did the editing and now it’s ruined! :slight_smile:

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Yeah… I sometimes have that, too. Like, having a really hard time trying to explain what’s going on in my head. Maybe I’m more mad than I thought? :wink:

Ah, that’s the solution! :smile:

That’s just a great attitude. Yeah, for 99% you might not be able to help, but if you can help 1% just by listening and explaining what all this is about, you’ve done something great that others haven’t achieved with that person. I like the fact you didn’t resignate because there are so many people you just can’t reach :+1: :slight_smile:


I highty doubt you have trouble expressing yourself clearly :slight_smile: But even if you did, the mere fact that you’re aware of the difficulty and you’re trying to overcome it means you’re sane. Those who aren’t aren’t.

Not at all when writing - I can take my time and sort out my stuff before putting it down. But in spontaneus situations, I sometimes have the effect that I want to explain something complicated and have all necessary informations in my head, and just realize it’s a bit of a trouble to put them together in a way for others to understand. My mind is usually very fast, pretty flow-like, so I know what I mean, but maybe nobody else does :wink:
So in a way, I can relate to people with such problems - doesn’t always have to be as serious as here, but for example, I had a very intelligent colleague once who had big problems getting one sentence straight :woman_shrugging:

I know more than a few seriously intelligent people who can’t string together 5 coherent words without expending a lot more energy than the task would require an average person. The inability to express oneself doesn’t make one insane. The inability to realize one’s lack of coherence is the clincher here I reckon.