Microchiped or frequencies, mindreading, 24/7 followed or watched

But thanks for Your answer

Resident AI… You know what to do.


Actually, I have skinny hands and I’ve noticed this happening (veins getting much more visible) just from the changing blood pressure when raising or lowering my arms. Nothing crazy but the effect does look like the photo.
There can be other factors like temperature, moisture, and physical activity but definitely not a tiny piece of metal. Implants are not magic they’re just common electronics.

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Incapacitated by my recent accident I came across this thread and started to read…

…and read

It’s a couple of days and 1363 posts later. Now my brain hurts as much as my broken bones. It’s like lockdown all over again: I was going to learn an instrument, write a book etc and here I am binge-reading the distorted fiction of troubled souls. Gotta get my priorities sorted out.


I’ve never broken a bone, but now I know how much that hurts…


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Whoa fuck. Like the only time I name the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is when I am telling people how their conspiracy theory came from it and is antisemitic and they should cut it the fuck out or get cut. I literally have it downloaded so when someone is like “conspiracy theory” I can quote it like “Yup. Your conspiracy theory is literally just this. Stop.”

To bring it into a conversation as proof of anything is completely insane to me. Like… How can anyone read that and be like “yes this makes sense and is a real thing a organization put out.” I’m guessing they haven’t read it. Jeeeeeeez

that escalated quickly, I’m just gonna toss this here for good measure

Yep. They got the ban hammer and the magic eraser treatment.


The thing is, your bones will heal, but the damage to your psyche is already done! It’s fascinating read thou.

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The fun never ends.


There’s a Latin American country that started to roll out an ID card app. And these are the permissions for that thing:

Sadly, no one there mentioned the potential privacy implications of having an ID app. Especially if it becomes mandatory and more invasive in the future.

And yet, the Greek are protesting over a passive RFID chip that can’t call home…

Somehow, the tracker that you always carry in your pocket is perfectly fine, but an RFID chip that cannot track you is scary. Humanity is dumb…



I’m sure some people will end up carrying a second crappy phose just for these kinds of things. Maybe eventually manufacturers will catch up on that and start making cheap android based devices that are just that, a card, not even a phone? :man_shrugging:


Been there, done that…


I mean sure, to someone that actually knows what they’re dealing with the whole thing seems dumb, but these people don’t know anything about the technology. People have already been conditioned to not care about the privacy-invading aspects of their phones, but RFID is a big unknown to them.


Probably shouldn’t admit this on an open forum


Red teaming, pen testing, whatever you want to call it, is attacking the company you work for to reveal possible issues and find solutions, not attacking other companies. That would be unethical and land you and the company in legal trouble. I wouldn’t openly admit that you’re participating in illegal activities on a public forum like this.

I don’t know about energy companies but in the tech field I used to work things weren’t so nice and ethical :sweat_smile: and companies did land in legal trouble regularly

Fun fact, humidity levels can go above 100% which sounds unintuitive at first.

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humidity level > 100%



I deleted the reply no worries, guys.

It’s our first time experiencing this kind of humidity where you can’t breathe and see anything at all. Our air-conditioned started leaking water because of this?