MidwestGadgets.com - Repeaters, Field Detectors, Generators, Extenders Oh Myyyy! New Product and Stock Announcements Thread

own more expensive measurement equipment I guess :man_shrugging:


Iā€™m old fashioned I very much prefer keeping these things as simple and rudimentary as possible. See the field, display a value.

I love new tools and gadgets. Creating excuses for needing those tools isnā€™t hard. Itā€™s hard to justify a single need tool.


I vote current measurement. Nothing calibrated, but current will give you a very good idea of coupling quality and reader power output.


Sneaky with the edit. I thought I read all your thought already.

Iā€™ll have to see what I can do for current. Again Iā€™ll need to find an already made device that I can trust has accurate measurements to compare my results from otherwise itā€™s gonna be a blind assumption itā€™s being properly measured. Iā€™ll dig some doing and see what I can do.

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yeah iā€™m terrible with the afterthoughts just as Iā€™m clicking ā€œpostā€

this ā†“ā†“ā†“ ??

re accuracyā€¦

i wouldnā€™t worry too much about it being super accurateā€¦ again ask ā€œwhat is the goalā€¦ what is the customer use case?ā€ rather than ā€œwhat can we engineerā€. Also define what ā€œaccuracyā€ meansā€¦ does it mean every unit is exactly calibrated to a known calibration reader and they all are very accurate to the value and to each other? Do they need to be?

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For the use case of sayā€¦ ā€œIs this reader likely to work with a particular implant?ā€:

Thereā€™s no shame in having some relatively low accuracy. In this case there are so many other variables anyway (ie how deep is the implant in the skin, or are the batteries dying on the reader), that it shouldnā€™t matter too much if my field meter reads a teensy bit lower than Pilgrimsmasterā€™s field meter. As long as you disclose ā€œthis is not a scientific measuring toolā€, Iā€™m sure it will be more than accurate enough for most use cases.

Another one: Is this a good spot for my repeater sticker?

As long as you know loosely how the repeaters work, and that higher numbers are better, the tool would serve that purpose as well.


Initially itā€™s to create a field measurement device. As there arenā€™t really any low cost options available.

To me itā€™s two things. Repeatability of readings between two of the same device with similar results, And how close are the readings to the unit of measure being measured correct.

Being accurate to the known standard isnā€™t actually important to me in our case I would just like the devices to be in the range. To me what is important is that all the devices will report the same reading when used on the same device. IE all devices will report the same value when measuring an acr122 at 0 inches from the reader.

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Haha fair, but I was talking about the customerā€™s goalā€¦ what will they use this for exactly?

Of course itā€™s also fine if you donā€™t know or care and just want to make a thing that does the thing :slight_smile:


My intent, as with most of my ideas and designs, is to make something that I intend to use or to fill a gap where Iā€™ve needed something but it doesnā€™t really exist in the capacity that I need it to.

I also like clean minimalist designs so I like protoboarding them out . It just so happens that to get 5 made is just marginally cheaper than getting 50 made.

So then my next thought is, will others find this as useful as I do. And if they do, are there ways that they may be using it, that is different than how I will use it that I can account for.

So youā€™re pretty spot on, I usually donā€™t build these with the customer in mind, usually Iā€™m trying to fill my own need. And because I didnā€™t feel like Iā€™m unique or special I assume there are a handful of other people out there with a similar need.

I donā€™t really have as much extensive knowledge as others do about how a device like this would benefit them so thatā€™s why I am kinda wishy-washy. It does a thing, will people wish it did the thing a different way?


Perfectly acceptable :slight_smile:


But that by no means mean i am not open or willing to adapt and take advice and criticism! I welcome it. I often have to remind people ive only been in this space for 2 years? 3yrs ago i had no idea how NFC operated. So i ask these questions mostly to learn myself. And i always like a challenge