Mifare RFID clone

Sector 4 and 5 shows there is encrypted data, so they are using more than just uid only system. Download MCT (mifare classic tool) as Pilgrimsmaster advised, either from play store or f-droid repository. Default keys are FF FF FF FF FF FF, hence why there are readable by Taginfo. Keys A and B are non default so they will need cracking.

This old presentation will shed some light on mifare vulnerabilities and how their keys became crackable.

MCT has a read keys function and the keys dictionary will crack about 90% of mifare keys you come across. You will then have the option to save, export dump files etc. You can then copy the dump file to a gen2 card.

I think that should be enough to get you started. Everytime you don’t manage to get it to crack or clone, you learn something else new along the way.

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