New FAQ for locked/bricked implants...?

First, I would like to express my gratitude to (I think) Pilgrimsmaster and Tom Harkness for their work and explanation of how to recover from a ‘white clonered’ xEM. The simple line “lf t55xx write -b 0 -d 00148041 --pwd AA55BBBB” was a life saver! - I can now open my garage door - it’s the little things in life… :o)

It allowed me to finally (using a proxmark3 easy) to be able to write to my implant again in EM mode having previously written to it in HID mode using the white cloner and effectively locked it.

My only frustration was how long it took me to find that beautifully elegant solution. There are many things written on pm3 use and writing issues etc, but it took me quite a while to find the answer. However, in my searching I found the problem a great many times, with links to incomplete explanations. I’m not looking to make anything harder than it needs to be (the pm3 language takes care of that nicely). I’m just thinking an index of problems and links to the solutions would be quite helpful.

