Newbie - New tech for my (not so hot) bod!

@turbo2ltr is working on something in this area… basically you need to hack a fob. They are active, which means they have a battery inside. Remove the battery or power source, and the car no longer “sees” the key. Reconnect the battery, the car “sees” the key again. Simple. Get a spare fob, rig a reader to power the fob for oh… 10-30 seconds after a successful scan, and then you have yourself an fob that’s controlled by proxy via the implant. Simply scan your chip implant, open the door, and drive. What you do need to confirm though is that the car will remain driving and running if the fob goes inactive while the car is driving. In that case you’d need to set up a system to toggle the fob on/off on every good implant scan.

pretty sure these are either EM or HID ProxCard so yeah should work

not possible… check out

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