Had my next installed between the thumb and index. The bandage fell off about 3 hours post installed and i noticed it was peaking out. I pushed it back in with a sterile instrument and rebandaged it, butni could not get it back into the install depth.
Any tips or advice? Can i autoclave the next if it comes out again and reinstall?
most likely the needle was not inserted deep enough which placed the chip too close to the exit wound.
You can get it autoclaved at a piercing studio and let them install it with a piercing needle or send it back to DT using the Implant inspection and re-sterilization service.
It was one of the local shops. A lady whonhas done many before. She did inject it fairly deep, (about 1.5 cms). Glad to hear autoclave is safe, as shipping it back would be quite expensive from Canada.
They absolutely would do it for free, I’ll call them tomorrow. Would there be any harm in leaving it where i pushed it back to? Or should i absolutely remove it?
But i would get it out if it easily comes out rn. And if one end pokes out then it needs to get out anyway and the sooner you get it out the better and faster it will heal.
Sounds good! I’ll try to get it out tonight. Just for my knowledge, what’s the rational? I’ll take a picture of it when i get back home, but it’s back underneath the skin.
Well if one end pokes out you got a permanent opening in the skin, which could be an entrance for bacteria, and you skin will try to heal around the poking out implant, and after you removed it it needs to start the healing again and the scar will prolly also be bigger the longer the hole stays open. i dont know why - not a doctor. that knowledge all only comes from my observations with own implants and wounds.
But imo there is no benefit in leaving it half way poking out
but there is some benefit* in getting it out so that’s what i would do
*faster wound healing, the wound will close fast and you dont have a hole in your skin until tomorow
That’s only 15 mm and the implant is 14 mm long. The instructions for professionals is that the needle should be injected almost to the hub then retracted 5 to 8 mm before pushing the plunger to eject the implant. This process creates a deep enough pocket so the implant can rest far enough away from the incision.
Likey remove and have your professional autoclave it. They can use a piercing needle to make the pocket and use sterile gloves to pick up the implant and insert into the incision