Old vs New antenna: a.k.a. Is Bigger Better?

If I am one of these two, your feeling is misplaced.

I am quite satisfied with the chip so far, actually. Although I haven’t played with it nearly enough.

I can’t care much about that chip being fiddly to read nor it’s range. I see the Magic Ntag as a hacker chip, which I’ll use to do hacky things. (Hence why I didn’t want blinkies in it)

If it has another NDEF entry, then it is a bonus. If it cannot use NDEF, then it’s as expected. I mean… this is a gray chip, what would I expect? :sweat_smile:

If it’s that fiddly, then I wouldn’t be surprised a phone can’t spit out enough oomph for a write operation, tbh.

Yes you were one of the two :slight_smile:

Okay, my feeling was misplaced: you’re not disappointed because you don’t care that it’s fiddly. My bad. But then by your own admission, it is fiddly. Exactly what I’m afraid of, because I care.

The flexNExT’s bullseye had its fatal durability problem, but one thing it wasn’t was fiddly: it provided a solid hit all the way through my wrist with a desktop reader, and any old cellphone could read the entire 868 bytes of my NDEF in 0.2 seconds (yes, I timed it).

That’s what I need in the flexMN: it’ll be the replacement for the flexNExT that I used to open difficult doorlocks with and share business contacts with, with people who have no more than a split second to spare. If it’s a fiddly hacker chip that doesn’t perform reliabily and quickly, it is a very big concern to me.

Not sure if this helps your concerns, but I’m not sure it’s fiddly.

I do expect it to be fiddly, and it sure looks dodgy and fiddly AF. Yet I haven’t messed with it enough to neither confirm nor deny it.

Then… I would guess what you need is a chip such as the DF2 or similar, with a big antenna.
In which case I expect the MN is not going to perform as you want. :confused:

Well, I equipped myself with the flexNExT as a pure productivity tool: the attractiveness was that (1) it read easily and from a very long distance and (2) it was compatible with as many cellphones as possible (unlike a Mifare Classic). It died, and now I need a replacement that fits that bill.

As far as reading distance, I don’t know that yet, because neither you nor Ottomagne have the large antenna version. That’s why I said I’ll be following the progress of whoever gets the first big flexMN with great interest.

As for reliability, I am hoping you two got an unconfigured version and you didn’t set it up quite right. That’s why I asked Amal to configure mine right before shipping, so it’s as good as it needs to be - because unlike me, Amal knows what he’s doing.

So there is hope. But I can’t help thinking early reports on this chip don’t look like a good start.

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Which version are you referring to when you say large antenna version? Because Eyeux got his in the new flex format, but I got mine in the disc format ala the flexNExT. Unless there’s another even larger antenna design that I missed, I’m pretty sure I have the large version.

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Oh… Okay sorry, I thought you have a “new wedge” antenna format also.

I shall now feverishly scroll back to see if you reported on reading distances, because I can’t recall :slight_smile:

EDIT: got it :slight_smile:

Have you tried with a ACR122U by any chance? Or even better if you have one, a Feitian R502.

I was kinda hoping we could just refer to it as the “new flex” format, and in a few months we would just start calling it the flex. It appears this is what we’re going to be using moving forward because of its versatility and durability, and it’s not a wedge.

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Just busted it out to test. I was able to get pretty good reads. I used my digital calipers to get an idea of how far I was reading from (I’d start high and lower the calipers with the chip on-top until the LED turned green), and I tried from a variety of angles (which accounts for some disparity in the reading range).

Successful Read Distances
  1. 25.59mm
  2. 19.25mm
  3. 13.73mm
  4. 22.67mm
  5. 21.18mm
  6. 29.00mm
  7. 29.09mm
  8. 31.20mm
  9. 23.90mm
  10. 28.04mm

Also, for your own knowledge @anon3825968 , I was able to write directly to the chip from the proxmark. I wrote a small NDEF record to redirect to http://example.com/ onto the chip, then read it with my phone. It redirected fairly quickly. I’m gonna write up a bigger thread synthesizing this info with some more tests I’m gonna try to run this weekend, but I thought you’d like to know that, once you actually get it written to the chip, it works as you’d expect it :slight_smile:

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Okay over an inch then. That looks good - especially with an ACR122U. The Feitian I used with my FlexNExT would read from even farther away.

At the risk of being annoying, can you try filling the chip to the brim with the biggest NDEF possible and reading that, see how long it takes? If you don’t wanna, no problem. I don’t want to waste your time.

Thanks for your efforts man!

I’ll give that a shot this weekend! I’m actually working my second gig right now, so I don’t have too much time to play around with my tags, but I should have free time this weekend to.

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Yeah yeah, like I says, don’t let me ruin your life :slight_smile:

I think that will end up causing some confusion, such as when Rosco thought Otto’s flex was the strip formal, when it’s the large disc one.

This comes because xSeries always come in a single form factor, but flex…

  • wedge
  • strip
  • T5577 disk
  • NExT/MN disk
  • DoNExT

even if wedge get’s decommissioned, there’s still a fairly large amount of formats out there which fit the “flex” tag… :woman_shrugging:

This data is actually really useful for this Thread!

Those are almost consistent with my “old” flex DF2 reading range on ACR122U. 15mm is a distance from which almost any angle reads, but I do achieve 30mm+ successful reads with it.

Since I would expect the larger antenna to perform better than the old one, then the MagicNtag chip definitely eats out range more than I assumed during my initial write up.

Uhuu!! looking forward! :drooling_face:

That is an interesting test.

Although not indicative of this chip’s particular results, when I ran tests on my DF I got the following conclusion (I didn’t put much effort into testing though):

  • Using TagInfo, there was no full scan time difference between differing NDEF lengths. (using other methods yes, but not on TagInfo’s full scan)

And on that note, my DF gets a full scan in roughly less than half a second, while my MN takes a good 3 seconds.

I actually agree with this, specifically since the flexMN is being offered in both disc form and wedge form (which, as Satur9 mentioned, is not longer wedge shaped). I’d be inclined to think that a new nomenclature should be added for the larger disc implants (assuming they become long-term stays in inventory):

flexMN -> the new standard flex form factor
discMN -> the disc form factor

maybe Amal doesn’t need to adopt this officially on the storefront (since the flexMN is the only disc based form factor currently available and in the foreseeable future), but we, as a community, could colloquially start referring to them that way to differentiate (kinda how @anon3825968 did with his doNeXt). tbh, I’ll probably start doing that on my own, and if others want to hop on, the more the merrier :smiley:

I’m thinking that’s probably going to be the case when I get around to testing that out. The NDEF record that I currently have on the chip is only 17 bytes long, and the TLV block ends it after that - at which point, the phone would redirect to that url. I have to imagine that if the TLV block terminated later, the phone wouldn’t read as quickly. Unless the hard part for the chip isn’t data transfer speeds but something about the initial read being slow due to emulation wankery - that’d be nice (since it’d mean that the entire memory buffer would be able to be read fast), but by the looks of it, the chip is just slow to read.

Despite me agreeing with you… Imagine the confusion for those who join the forum having only the knowledge obtained by storefront and not knowing about this “internal agreement” of ours… :confounded:

I personally don’t have a problem with overexplaining things here, so I mostly use “new flex Wedge/strip”.

This comes from my efforts to intentionally simplify whatever I write in open forums, to the point where I would rather be misinterpreted by an over-zealous connoisseur (which already happened a few times here), than to be too cryptic to the eyes of new members.

That’s where I believe TagInfo’s Full scan does attempt to keep on reading. Hence the same read speed on my DF regardless of NDEF written size.
(or the DF2 is too fast…) :woman_shrugging:

No I had my eye on the magic ntag for some time and I can get ntag216 in mob packages… but with the total failure of the flexNExT, and the inclusion of the T5577 in the flexMN replacement, it made the most sense to make the flexMN contain two very versatile chips in the same package… maybe a flexNExT is possible in the future using a wire coil antenna and mob packaged ntag216, but honestly it’s not looking likely. The magic ntag chip has been vetted by iceman as “finicky yes, but very stable”, with the only problem being noted is that people forget their password and sorta lock themselves out of it.

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So… If I read you correctly, I could throw some more money your way and you could make me a flexMN with a genuine NTAG216, correct? :slight_smile:

Cuz I don’t see an upside with the Magic NTAG for me:

  • At best it’ll perform exactly as a NTAG216, since I won’t ever reconfigure it, and it doesn’t offer more storage space
  • More likely, it looks like it’ll read more slowly but with the same read range
  • At worst it’ll read more slowly and it’ll have coupling issues

Or maybe, like Eyeux said, with a DESFire chip. That has more storage.space, which I could use, and is just as compatible as the NTAG216 (I think?).

I don’t like the uncertainty. Like, at all. At this point I’m happy to pay extra to remove it.

Naming conventions… I guess this would be a diskNExT or a diskDFxT?
(Not really working out. But you get the idea :slight_smile:)

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discDeF (DF + eM)?

Yes definitely. Let’s make the names more confusing and esoteric :laughing:

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I kinda liked Amiga’s approach to chip naming: they got tired of acronyms so they just gave regular names to chips: Paula, Denise… :slight_smile:

I suggest the following scheme:

  • big or slim prefix for the disk and new wedge formats
  • Nate for an NTAG chip, “Daffy” for a DESFire, “Minnie” for a Magic NTAG", “Emma” for an EM, “Felix” for an FDX

So the flexMN-new-wege-format would be a slimMinnie, and my hypothetical flexMN-disk-format-with-DESFire would be a bigDaffyEmma :slight_smile:

Is this the exact same manufacturer / die as the ones he tested? I know magic chips / batches can be a bit variable

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