Old vs New antenna: a.k.a. Is Bigger Better?

Despite me agreeing with you… Imagine the confusion for those who join the forum having only the knowledge obtained by storefront and not knowing about this “internal agreement” of ours… :confounded:

I personally don’t have a problem with overexplaining things here, so I mostly use “new flex Wedge/strip”.

This comes from my efforts to intentionally simplify whatever I write in open forums, to the point where I would rather be misinterpreted by an over-zealous connoisseur (which already happened a few times here), than to be too cryptic to the eyes of new members.

That’s where I believe TagInfo’s Full scan does attempt to keep on reading. Hence the same read speed on my DF regardless of NDEF written size.
(or the DF2 is too fast…) :woman_shrugging: