Payment conversion - How long?

How long does it take to get a payment conversion done? Mine was started a week ago but not had an update since. If you’ve had one done, how long did it take?

They are done in batches, lots of manual work involved. I got mine back after a few weeks, so don’t worry, it’s normal. (Also consider that shipping can take a long time.)

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Tbh it’s the shipping that’s the main issue. It took 10 days to get it to Amal. I was hoping to get it installed at the end of this month

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update from the Royal Mail. - they’re on strike from the 20th - 25th ffs so hopefully it’ll get sent back via literally any other courier as the RM were the issue with the delay getting to him. the package literally sat at an airport in the UK for 5 days because RM were on strike.

The rush is only cos i’ve told a very limited number of people that i’m getting it done and i only see those people once a month but guess they can wait till November.


Something I learned long ago

“Custom quality takes time”

You can buy quality things ready to ship,
And you spend a lot to rush custom

But if you want it custom and quality, it takes as long as it takes


I’m not rushing him, I’m asking how long it takes on here rather than emailing him asking for an update or being a pain

I don’t know how long these things take, all I know is mine was started a week ago. Does it take a week? 2 weeks? That’s literally what I’ve asked.

Seriously why would I want him to rush it? That’s not what I’m after, I just wanted a timeframe because the folks I’m meeting on the 3rd are asking if I’ll have it in by then and I’m not sure I will tbh

I would err on the side of caution and assume you won’t have it in hand by the third. You might be pleasantly surprised, but if it’s stressing you just assume not

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Your conversion is in encapsulation process now. If all goes well it should ship out tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

Thanks @amal no rush now. My last opportunity to get it installed before meeting my mates on the 3rd is next Saturday (29th) and it won’t arrive in time now as delivery time is 7-8 working days. They’ll just need to wait till December to see it

DHL can sometimes pull off miracles


If it arrives next Friday I can likely get it installed in time. Just have to wait and see, once I get tracking info and it’s moving I’ll book an appointment. I’m super excited about this, is it weird to ask for a pic of it?

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@amal Any update on when this will be shipped?

The package should be arriving at our fulfillment warehouse today, and should be included in the next outbound shipment with DHL… so later today or tomorrow.

@amal DHL are superb mate, the payment conversion turned up this morning and i’m booked in to get it installed on Saturday. i’ve also tested the payment chip at the local supermarket (still sealed) and it works so really happy and excited to get this fitted.


Yay! Yeah shipping isn’t cheap but it’s fast :slight_smile:

honestly it was night and day compared with the royal mail.

you mailed it on the monday and by wednesday it was in the uk. then just 1 day for customs and delivery to my house.

sending out to you it took a week just the leave the uk,

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For the sake of keeping future search results to a minimum and not reposting the same question, I’m asking this here.
I was just curious what the current estimated turnaround time was for a conversion?

There’s no ETA on custom work such as conversions. We get to them as we have time :blush:


@tac0s answered you.
Just FYI
On the payment conversion page.

Step #7

Everyone here gets it.

We all want it as soon as we order it.
Amazon mentality.

All I can say is, Good things come to those who wait.

I loved my payment conversion, it was worth it, but I was also like you



I just saw, unfortunately my job doesn’t allow to have my phone in the lab so I havnt had a chance to check,
I try to not have Amazon mentality, 3-4 weeks is when I typically do a check in, make sure there’s nothing I missed or messed up that would cause a delay.
I’m also just trying to plan some stuff out, the ripperdoc who’s installing it travels, so I was seeing if I could roughly guesstimate where they’d be when the chip came back.

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