PM3 Antenna Problem

Hi everyone. Just purchased the Proxmark3 Easy with Iceman firmware from this website. Got it in the mail today and followed all the instructions to get it set up, but I’m met with this error:

[usb] pm3 --> hw tune

[=] -------- Reminder ----------------------------
[=] `hw tune` doesn't actively tune your antennas.
[=] It's only informative.
[=] Measuring antenna characteristics...
[-]  9

[=] -------- LF Antenna ----------
[!] LF antenna............ unusable

[=] -------- HF Antenna ----------
[+] Approx. Q factor measurement
[!] HF antenna ( unusable )

[-] All values are zero. Not showing LF tuning graph

[=] Q factor must be measured without tag on the antenna

I’ve checked out some previous forum posts and done some basic troubleshooting. I’ve restarted my PC, deleted and reinstalled all firmware, and inspected the physical device, but no luck so far.

I don’t have a multlimeter, but the screws all appear to be snug.

Any help is appreciated!

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take a picture of the proxmark top-down for me


Can you also confirm your computer OS, firmware version and client version? This should be displayed when you first run the client. Screenshots work fine :slight_smile:


Here’s all the info. Let me know if I missed anything

[=] Session log C:\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/logs/log_20250124233301.txt
[+] loaded `C:\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/preferences.json`
[+] Using UART port com3
[+] Communicating with PM3 over USB-CDC

  8888888b.  888b     d888  .d8888b.
  888   Y88b 8888b   d8888 d88P  Y88b
  888    888 88888b.d88888      .d88P
  888   d88P 888Y88888P888     8888"
  8888888P"  888 Y888P 888      "Y8b.
  888        888  Y8P  888 888    888
  888        888   "   888 Y88b  d88P
  888        888       888  "Y8888P"    [  ]

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  [ Proxmark3 RFID instrument ]

    MCU....... AT91SAM7S512 Rev A
    Memory.... 512 KB ( 66% used )

    Client.... Iceman/master/v4.19552-255-gdc5d456db 2025-01-24 16:19:35
    Bootrom... Iceman/master/v4.19552-255-gdc5d456db-suspect 2025-01-24 16:18:48
    OS........ Iceman/master/v4.19552-255-gdc5d456db-suspect 2025-01-24 16:19:03
    Target.... PM3 GENERIC

[=] No previous history could be loaded
[usb] pm3 --> hw status
[#] Memory
[#]   BigBuf_size............. 41196
[#]   Available memory........ 41196
[#] Tracing
[#]   tracing ................ 1
[#]   traceLen ............... 0
[#] Current FPGA image
[#]   mode.................... fpga_pm3_hf.ncd image 2s30vq100 2024-02-03 15:12:20
[#] LF Sampling config
[#]   [q] divisor............. 95 ( 125.00 kHz )
[#]   [b] bits per sample..... 8
[#]   [d] decimation.......... 1
[#]   [a] averaging........... yes
[#]   [t] trigger threshold... 0
[#]   [s] samples to skip..... 0
[#] LF T55XX config
[#]            [r]               [a]   [b]   [c]   [d]   [e]   [f]   [g]
[#]            mode            |start|write|write|write| read|write|write
[#]                            | gap | gap |  0  |  1  | gap |  2  |  3
[#] ---------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------
[#] fixed bit length (default) |  31 |  20 |  18 |  50 |  15 | n/a | n/a |
[#]     long leading reference |  31 |  20 |  18 |  50 |  15 | n/a | n/a |
[#]               leading zero |  31 |  20 |  18 |  40 |  15 | n/a | n/a |
[#]    1 of 4 coding reference |  31 |  20 |  18 |  34 |  15 |  50 |  66 |
[#] HF 14a config
[#]   [a] Anticol override.... std    ( follow standard )
[#]   [b] BCC override........ std    ( follow standard )
[#]   [2] CL2 override........ std    ( follow standard )
[#]   [3] CL3 override........ std    ( follow standard )
[#]   [r] RATS override....... std    ( follow standard )
[#] Transfer Speed
[#]   Sending packets to client...
[#]   Time elapsed................... 500ms
[#]   Bytes transferred.............. 232448
[#]   Transfer Speed PM3 -> Client... 464896 bytes/s
[#] Various
[#]   Max stack usage......... 3520 / 8480 bytes
[#]   Debug log level......... 1 ( error )
[#]   ToSendMax............... -1
[#]   ToSend BUFFERSIZE....... 2308
[#]   Slow clock.............. 31196 Hz
[#] Installed StandAlone Mode
[#]   LF HID26 standalone - aka SamyRun (Samy Kamkar)
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Hmm… I don’t think so. What happens if you just do hf tune and lf tune ?

remove the lf antenna and clean all the contact pads

Shows 16 mV / 0 V / 0 Vmax and 60 mV / 0 V / 0 Vmax, doesn’t seem to detect anything near it.

Just as soon as I can find a screwdriver that fits this thing lol

Both lf and hf antenna is reporting unusable.

This seems incorrect. I would reflash the bootloader and rom.


good spot i only noticed the lf unusable

@abcdef1234 change the cable you’re using for a reliable one too.

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I re-ran ./pm3-flash-bootrom and ./pm3-flash-fullimage, still the same error. I’ll look for a new cable I guess

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I would rebuild and flash. To me it sounds like generic wasn’t built

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Ran the make command + the flash commands, still nothing. I wish there were more debug info to show

it wouldn’t flash if it wasn’t built it just says no executable in workdir when that happens.

@abcdef1234 if you’ve tried with another good cable then id say your proxmark is busted. return refund and replace wherever you got it from.

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