Positioning Advice | From 0 to 4 implants

You are not stating anything we don’t already know. Every time you have said it…
We all know how a Wiki works.
Its not a new idea, As pointed out above.

It is however a cunt load of work, and again, as mentioned, it needs to be hosted on a suitable platform that is yet to be decided.

It is going to happen, but the time frame is unknown.
Repeating yourself is not going to make it happen faster.

The alternative and what will happen in the interim is, people will continue to come to the forum, and ask questions and the community will answer those questions and more

Its kind of what we do.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride

This reply sounds harsher than was intended, but I guess you get where I’m coming from.

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My reply was more directed at Aox, I don’t mean to keep beating a dead horse
Edit: please don’t take my comments as hating on the forum, I love reading everything and check it frequently


I didn’t think you were, until now :rofl:
I totally get where youre coming from

You’re all good


A post was merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

Sorry for disappearing for some days, work got crazy and should not be here now either lol

I think those are exactly the kind of people who aren’t going to want to sit down and read several wiki pages to figure out what the difference between implants is

I believe that a well-curated wiki is way easier to navigate and get information out of than threads on a forum.

Each and every wiki page would have to expand on every term or someone starting from scratch would have to read through dozens of pages to get an idea of what’s going on

That is how wikis usually work, you can click on many words and read the definition of that term.
My biggest issue with primarily using the forum is that you can so easily miss something because people talk about some subject in many threads, sometimes change the subject and then go back to the original topic… It is pure chaos.

I would love to see a wiki, but I think it would be a better resource for those of us who are actually looking for a deeper dive into the technology than as a primer for someone coming in cold

I think it works for both. I would have bothered people here way less with questions if I could have found the information by myself from the get go, then I would have probably also studied stuff more in-depth than I have having a well-organized repository of information.

imagine there would be a getting started page on the wiki that would walk new users through that.

Definitely, with one linking to a dedicated page just for the Vivokey Apex Flex users since those guys need very little technical information and could be good to go in ten minutes of reading tops.

The issue with the forum is the spread out nature of it.

I agree fully, navigating it works until it does not and a lot more time gets wasted on sifting through threads and posts that are not really relevant to the information you are looking for.
I also had a similar experience with the QuickLock Padlock. I basically ordered a chip just to use with that one only to learn that I missed that it is not really recommended anymore. I assume I missed some more recent posts about the padlock.

ATM, anyone who signs up for an account can contribute to the wiki, just for accountability and anti-spam purposes.

If someone puts together a plan of which pages we need I would do a couple here and there.

Another advantage of the wiki is it’s much easier to organize information. You can add navigatable sections, break information up into multiple pages, easily imbed images, charts, and graphs, and the community can keep it updated.

Once again I agree. But I guess we gotta put in the work if we want to see it happen.
How about we choose one of the unofficial wikis and contribute to it a bit?
I definitely won’t do that alone, but if there is a few of us contributing even just a page per month it will slowly but surely grow into something useful.

As people have pointed out, there is a fairly big barrier to entry with this tech, more documentation will never be a bad thing.

To be completely honest this is way harder than it needs to be, and the reason why —
at least for me — is largely how hard it is to collect all the necessary information. I spent days researching before finally ordering my first implants, and still feel like I do not really understand this whole thing well enough yet and am putting off the actual implantation until I understand all of it fully.
I would love to be able to study this stuff on some centralized knowledge repository instead of scouring hundreds of threads on a forum or bothering people with my questions.
This community and forum is great, people are really helpful and very much like it. I would just prefer it if I could find most of the information somewhere and then ask questions only for more advanced stuff or for advice from more experienced people before doing anything final. lol

It is however a cunt load of work, and again, as mentioned, it needs to be hosted on a suitable platform that is yet to be decided.

Definitely, that is why I am offering some help and not just raising a “we need a wiki” issue. Still, I will not even attempt it if I am at it alone or it is just me and another guy lol

By the way, received the implants today. Those needles are HUGE!

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