I did it with and without hw tune
and got the same result. Tested all the lua scripts for t55x7 and got Could not detect modulation automatically. Try setting it manually with ‘lf t55xx config’
on all the scripts
Damn, I think this is one for the gurus at the proxmark forum - just make sure you tell them what you’ve tried in your post!
Same thing, did you ever get it to work?
Still working on it and learning.
I am no expert, and this is just my 2 cents.
I noticed in your hw tune that your optimal voltage is around 70v, this suggests that your rdv4 lf antenna is set to long range mode. In this mode, it reads the implants better, but to read a card in this mode you really need to have the card at least 2.5-10cm (1-4") away from the antenna to read properly in my experience (I think the over voltage resets the chip mid read, and I read that somewhere here on the forum). You could also switch it to regular mode and do another hw tune to get the voltages down. Another trick I’ve been using when messing with my implant, it so have 2 sacrificial t5577 cards on hand, one in a completely wiped state (and just because I can, I will usually also write line by line block 1 and 2 of page 1 of the “wiped” card with the trackability data from my implant as a backup) and the second card, I do the entire procedure of wiping, detecting, writing, detecting, dumping to verify with both the card and the implant. At each step I do the card first then implant, then move to next step. This really seems to help when the detect command has trouble catching what state the implant is in, as well as slowing me down enough to not make silly mistakes.
Well, your 2 cents made me solve my problem, Thank you.
I check my setting on my proxmark and you are right. It was set to range. So I changed it and did a test and it did not work. So I used lf t55 write b 0 d 00088048 t
and got it in test mode and then it was smooth sailing
Thank you!! Test mode helped me recover a junk tag that I accidentally bricked by exploring PM3 commands. I used lf t5 write -b 0 -d 000880E0 -t
How did you change the settings on the proxmark to fix it? I am facing the same issue with Could not detect modulation automatically. Does it have something to do with antenna power? How do I fix this?