Hey! Sorry for taking so long to reply. Spoke to them, and unfortunately it was a very quick no. Pretty much heard I wanted to put something in my hand and decided there and then. I thought they’d be a little more lenient, but alas.
Guess I’m going to have to wait a few years . Thanks for all the help though.
My first recommendation would be to use Ksec, as you did.
If no London based Ksec installers are responsive, that’s a good thing to flag with @KaiCastledine and the community…
And in which case, I think Torz is still doing those and should be one of the closest to London that I could recommend… her current studio is Octo-Freaks, in Hereford
(that distance + Ksec’s warranty is why I think ruling out the Ksec options first would be a good shout)
Failing Torz, there might be a couple of studios I know of in Manchester and Leeds that should be ok with installing it.
But please do keep us updated in case those options run dry.
And good Luck!
Ok, I have now joined the cyborg club!
Interskin were great. Lovely people, very professional.
I made the mistake of looking at it too soon and started to feel very lightheaded. Adrian spotted the colour draining out of me and tipped the chair back for a few minutes which sorted me out. Clearly not his first rodeo