Spark Actions 1.0.16
Have been keeping it steady for a negotiation.
Now it’s saying “Empty PCD response data” (on iOS)
While getting the TagInfo on the 'droid I downloaded the Spark Actions app and it seems happy to read the Spark 2. Haven’t tried to write with it yet in case you’d like troubleshooting steps for the iOS app.
** TagInfo Scan (version 4.28.0) 28-Jan-24 20:10:46 **
Report Type: – IC INFO ------------------------------
IC Manufacturer:
Probably Genuine - AES OC couldn’t be performed
NOTE: To perform AES Originality check, enable the option “Originality Check” from settings if not done, and make sure internet connection is active.
IC Type:
NFC Forum NDEF-compliant tag:
Type 4 Tag
– NDEF ------------------------------
NFC data set information:
NDEF message containing 1 record
Current message size: 92 bytes
Maximum message size: 126 bytes
NFC data set access: Read & Write
Record #1: URI record:
Type Name Format: NFC Forum well-known type
Short Record
type: “U”
protocol field: https://
URI field: Digital Business Card
Payload length: 88 bytes
Payload data:
[00] 04 76 69 76 6F 6B 65 79 2E 63 6F 2F 31 31 37 37 ||
[10] 39 63 36 33 32 35 38 63 37 31 66 63 39 35 65 38 |9c63258c71fc95e8|
[20] 64 31 63 61 31 32 34 38 37 35 63 39 2F 3F 73 75 |d1ca124875c9/?su|
[30] 6E 3D 30 34 31 32 33 30 32 32 32 46 35 43 38 30 |n=041230222F5C80|
[40] 2D 30 30 30 32 31 44 2D 45 36 46 35 35 36 45 43 |-00021D-E6F556EC|
[50] 32 30 31 43 36 43 33 41 |201C6C3A |
NDEF message:
[00] D1 01 58 55 04 76 69 76 6F 6B 65 79 2E 63 6F 2F |…|
[10] 31 31 37 37 39 63 36 33 32 35 38 63 37 31 66 63 |11779c63258c71fc|
[20] 39 35 65 38 64 31 63 61 31 32 34 38 37 35 63 39 |95e8d1ca124875c9|
[30] 2F 3F 73 75 6E 3D 30 34 31 32 33 30 32 32 32 46 |/?sun=041230222F|
[40] 35 43 38 30 2D 30 30 30 32 31 44 2D 45 36 46 35 |5C80-00021D-E6F5|
[50] 35 36 45 43 32 30 31 43 36 43 33 41 |56EC201C6C3A |
Capability Container (CC) file content:
Mapping version 2.0
CC length: 15 bytes
Maximum Le value: 256 bytes
Maximum Lc value: 255 bytes
NDEF File Control TLV:
- Length: 6 bytes
- NDEF file ID: 0xE104
- Maximum NDEF data size: 128 bytes
- NDEF access: Read & Write
[00] 00 0F 20 01 00 00 FF 04 06 E1 04 00 80 00 00 00 |… …|
[10] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |…|
Type 4 Tag File Control Information (FCI):
Type 4 Tag v2 application FCI: [none]
CC file FCI: [none]
NDEF file FCI: [none]
NDEF file contents:
[00] 00 5C D1 01 58 55 04 76 69 76 6F 6B 65 79 2E 63 |...XU.vivokey.c|
[10] 6F 2F 31 31 37 37 39 63 36 33 32 35 38 63 37 31 |o/11779c63258c71|
[20] 66 63 39 35 65 38 64 31 63 61 31 32 34 38 37 35 |fc95e8d1ca124875|
[30] 63 39 2F 3F 73 75 6E 3D 30 34 31 32 33 30 32 32 |c9/?sun=04123022|
[40] 32 46 35 43 38 30 2D 30 30 30 32 31 45 2D 43 36 |2F5C80-00021E-C6|
[50] 41 39 39 35 31 37 39 32 42 31 36 38 38 33 00 00 |A9951792B16883…|
[60] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |…|
[70] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |…|
– EXTRA ------------------------------
Memory Information:
160 bytes total memory
- 128 bytes user memory
IC Information:
Capacitance: 70 pF
E110 : D2760000850101
- Contains ISO FIDs: E103, E104
Version information:
Vendor ID: Probably Genuine - AES OC couldn’t be performed
Type: NTAG
Subtype: 70 pF
Major version: 0x10
Minor version: 0x00
Storage size: 128 bytes
Protocol: ISO/IEC 14443-4
Configuration Information:
Secure Dynamic Messaging: Enabled
UID Mirroring: Enabled
SDM Read Counter: Enabled
SDM Read Counter Value: 0
Originality Check (asymmetric):
Signature verified with NXP public key
TagInfo Version:
Version :4.28.0
Device Info:
Device Model :Google ( Pixel 3a XL )
Android OS Version :12
– FULL SCAN ------------------------------
Technologies Supported:
Fully compliant to the ISO/IEC 14443, all parts 1 to 4
Fully compliant to the ISO/IEC 7816-4 file selection
and APDU handling
Fully compliant passive target compliant to
Android Technology Information:
Tag description:
- TAG: Tech [,,]
- Maximum transceive length: 65279 bytes
- Default maximum transceive time-out: 618 ms
- Extended length APDUs supported
- Maximum transceive length: 253 bytes
- Default maximum transceive time-out: 618 ms
Detailed Protocol Information:
ID: 04:12:30:22:2F:5C:80
ATQA: 0x4403
SAK: 0x20
ATS: 0x067733810280
- Max. accepted frame size: 128 bytes (FSCI: 7)
- Supported receive rates:
- 106, 212, 424 kbit/s (DR: 1, 2, 4)
- Supported send rates:
- 106, 212, 424 kbit/s (DS: 1, 2, 4)
- Different send and receive rates supported
- SFGT: 604.1 us (SFGI: 1)
- FWT: 77.33 ms (FWI: 8)
- NAD not supported
- CID supported
- Historical bytes: 0x80 |.|
Memory Content:
PICC configuration:
- Unknown master key
- Key configuration:
- 1 mutable AES 128 bit master key
- 4 immutable AES 128 bit originality keys
Application configuration (DF 0xD2760000850101):
- Unknown AppMasterKey
- Key configuration:
- 3 mutable AES 128 bit AppKeys